Hey PolyCount Dwellers !
I've come across an image while searching for inspiration and thought: that would be cool to try and make. The making of the shape didn't cause that much trouble, it's the unwrapping / texturing of it.
This image is this one

The part with the red around is what I'm talking about.
My shape with the unwrap visible.

The thing that bothers me is, getting the small stones around the edge straight. If i want to make it easy to photoshop i have to distort the lines somewhat or break it in complete seperate islands.
But if i make the unwrap nice and easy, it's going to be much more work to photoshop.
How or what is your take on doing it ? should i make the shape / lines different ? Or is there something else ?
My different takes on unwrapping it.( i tried a different way with each part)

For anyone who likes to try out this shape i've uploaded it to my dropbox, feel free to try.
Thanks in advance !