Intel is seeking out the
creative leadership of game development to explore the possibilities of a Creative/Content Review Board. Im specifically reaching out to
Lead Artists, Lead Tech Artists, and Creative Directors for opinions and guidance on future technologies, tools, pipelines, and workflow to advance productivity and ultimately to make better games.
If you would value such an opportunity to influence Intel, I would welcome the chance to meet you (or your representatives) F2F during GDC (March 2-6), to hear your thoughts and begin an exchange on all of the above. I will be available at the
Intel Hangout (South Upper Hall, Mezzanine Level) Wed-Fri from 12 Noon to 12:30.
Hope to see you there!
Thank you
Jeffery A. Williams
Lead Digital Content Design/Creation
Game Development Experience
Developer Relations Division
Software Services Group
Intel Corporation
Thank you!
Please forward any specifics that can be repeated and I will pass them on.