Does anyone have any recommendations for tools to aid in the creation of 'destroyed' versions of assets...mainly environment stuff? I'm mainly interested in pre-baked destruction, although something that does real-time destruction (i.e. Havok) and can also pre-bake the destruction would also be ok.
I'm interested in middleware/plugins etc that create a variety of realistic fractures based on material types, along with pre-baked physics simulation to create destroyed arrangements of pieces. Generating nice animations is not required...just the final 'broken' version of stuff.
Engine-agnostic software would be fine, or something for UE4 if it's tied to a specific engine.
Generally if you look into any physics simulation stuff used in the movie VFX industry, that stuff tends to be pretty good (and sounds exactly like what you're after).
There's a few more options depending on your needs and budget.
Just create tool in Houdini, package it as a Houdini Digital Asset and reuse/tweak in any of those programs without going back to Houdini.
Some very good options here, covering a variety of price points and needs.
UE4 Houdini Engine Beta just anounced =>