Hi guys, hopefully someone can help. I have a problem with my 3ds Max 2015 that reinstalling hasn't seemed to have fixed.
I can make a plane, quad it a few times and export as an FBX. When I open it in to Unity, or import it back to Max, it has triangulated the whole mesh and completely messed-up the mapping.
If I convert to editable mesh and export it seems to temporarily fix it, but even that seems to be breaking now.
If I tesselate the mesh it seems to fix it, but that's not really a solution.
The mesh on the left works fine, but the mesh on the right gets broken when exporting.

use 7Zip to open the exe and extract 3dsMax2015_SP2.msp
use 7Zip to open 3dsMax2015_SP2.msp, locate and extract the following file
(size is exactly 10,008,360 bytes )
rename that file to "fbxmax.dlu" and copy it to your stdplugs folder ( backup the original of course)
Please report back if this indeed fixes your problem. And of course you might loose some SP3 FBX fixes which came with the new dlu
So this just means that my tip is not really recommendable, i would restore the SP3 dlu file and report a bug ...
Doubt that we'll see another SP for Max 2015 though ...
It was FAAAAR easier back in those days when they released seperate FBX updates not tied to the main product updates ... This way you just are locked to the main product SP
These days FBX is almost as important as the main program. Hopefully they fix this issue.