Hi all
So,I'm kinda new to Maya and I facing this problem which I can't find anywhere any answers to it.
While i'm working,without even touch the Modeling toolkit, when I use the new mutli-cut tool from the marque menu and finish it leaves the Modeling toolkit ON with this new manipulator which I don't want and I have to go manualy and turn it off.
I find it very strange because some of my friends don't have this "issue" while we have the same settings.Also in the options I have the Auto-Activate off.
Here are 2 images that shows the tragedy
I would be more than pleased if anyone has any idea how to take me out of this misery
Thanks for your time :thumbup:
It should be turned off by default but for some reason isn't.
The NEX modelling toolkit has some great features. However it was very poorly implemented by Autodesk and now almost 2 years later they still haven't fixed everything. The multi-cut tool no longer crashes the application though so I guess they've done improvements...
That's only for activating MTK once you enter a component mode. It won't leave MTK if you've used one of the tools from it. As a workaround, you can enter object mode then back into components to turn it off with said option off though.
I want to like it, maybe once it gets out of beta I will. I still use the old split and edge loop tools, in the hotkey editor> Edit Mesh>
The Auto-activate option is always off even by default.
It seems that I'll stuck with the older split tools.