i can only get it to change the geometry, to move around the verticies, but i want to transfer the normal directions and angles of the morph target to the morph object. is that possible?
EDIT: btw i dont mean blending between normal maps. just transfer the vertex normal angles.
Is this for a game project? I don't know of any engines that will support animated normals.
if someone finds a way, im all ears.
i have a character mesh, that i want to deform using the morpher. what i notice is though, that the morpher doesnt change the normals. i mean, for example if i make a morph target with a 90 degree rotated head, when i pull the morph slider, the vertecies move, but the head becomes all dark, like the normals are arent rotated to match the vertecies. its like you what happens if you apply the edit normals modifier, selects all of the normals, and rotate them 90 degrees.
so it seems the morph target only changes the vertecies, but preserves the normals in their absolute world positions.
the thing is, this doesnt happen always. if i make a new box for example, this doesnt happen. the box gets rotated finely with the morpher. normals act like they should.
so then i tried attaching the character mesh to the box, but then it acts like it did with just the character mesh. then i delete the character mesh, xform the box and edit normals just to check, but it STILL morphs without changing the normals.
any ideas how to solve this? are the normals secrectly locked eventhough they show up fine in the edit normals modifier? can i unlock them somehow?
EDIT: alright, i can workaround it if i add a edit normal modifier on top of the morpher. feels a bit wierd though, so any suggestions are welcome
EDIT: btw this is including reset xform mutliple times