Home Contests & Challenges Archives Allegorithmic's 'the THRONE ROOM'

THRONE ROOM – <Throne of the Enslaved Titan> – Derek Edwards

Finally able to get my Throne Room started! I'm a student at the Art Institute of Phoenix (Game Art and Design) and now that I've finished up a few midterm projects I'm underway and extremely excited!

My concept is to create the throne room of a rogue mage that magically enslaved an ancient golem, and to compound his dominance literally built a throne on the massive hand of the shackled titan. I like the story the scene tells and I think that will help me stay focused on the mood when making texture and lighting decisions.

I'll be using Maya, Zbrush, Xnormal, and doing all my texture work with Substance. This will also be my first time using UE4.

I have a crude block out from Maya below to get my proportions layed out, and also the same geometry to scale in UE4 just to get the ball rolling. Any feedback on how to improve things conceptually at this point is appreciated! :poly122:


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