So, yeah... What?
Can anybody point out what I've done to anger the 3dsMax gods? Why is render to texture greyed out? I was hoping to bake these while I go grab some lunch, but no... This is only maybe the 3rd time I've ever hit a problem I just can't solve with google.

Polycount, attack!
If that doesn't work execute this command in the maxscript listener to open a folder to your macroscripts directory. Is there a file named Macro_BakeTexture.mcr? If so, delete and restart max.
If that doesn't fix it, try this (it will delete all your custom hotkeys and toolbars.)
Exit 3ds Max, rename this folder, and start 3ds Max.
C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\20XX - 64bit
You can exit max and rename it back to get your hotkeys back if it didn't work.
If that doesn't work check that the file actually exists in the Max install:
C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2013\MacroScripts\Macro_BakeTextures.mcr
You may need to do a repair install, or uninstall/re-install.
The file is still in there. Check this out:
new=instance prev
select new
paramwire.connect prev.pos.controller.Path_Constraint.controller[#Percent] new.pos.controller.Path_Constraint.controller[#Percent] "Percent+0.06"
Lol, looks like in my haste I accidentally overwrote this script. I'm a dumbass.
Can you CtrlC&V your copy of Macro_BakeTextures.mcr? I don't think AutoDesk will mind their code going out over a forum post.