Hi everyone,
Trying to troubleshoot an issues so I thought I'd come here.
Is there a way to export animation control curves (NOT ANIMATION CURVES) using FBX?
I'm trying to get a model/animation/rig I did in Maya LT out into the full version of Maya as I'm not using LT anymore.
Not sure if there are any specific settings to get that to work with the FBX exporter. I've tried doing a google search with no results.
Thanks again,
You may need to clean up some error messages, but that can be done with a few clicks of the mouse.[Under File-> Optimize Scene Size Options]
(If your interested in exporting only a specific selection.. You could choose to hit Export selection[] -> Then choose MayaAscii or MayaBinary instead of FBX as your File Type. )
Maybe I'm not doing something correctly?
Also, make sure to save the maya file as a .ma rather than a .mb
But the control curves are considered NURBS, so make sure that is selected for your fbx export, if the other way doesnt work. Not sure if it will keep the entire working rig though.
I just verified that Maya LT doesn't save out as MB or MA.
See my reply above but just verified LT doesn't save out as MB or MA, also no option to ignore version.
from LT - in the FBX export options make sure that constraints are on, also when exporting from LT don't do an export selected as that does not work, do an export ALL.
on import (say into Maya Full or LT) - make sure your FBX import settings have constraints set to ON - and Skeleton definitions set to none.