I'm not entirely sure I'm using the correct term, I'm referring to the way things like bushes and trees are normally modelled, with a solid trunk and then a series of planes that have textures of leaves - giving the feel of a fully modelled tree for a fraction of the vert count.
The way I'm currently doing it is with two planes, with overlapping verts and normals facing opposite directions.
I'm not however certain this is the "best" way of doing it. Thoughts?
or you have a special shader for foliage in the engine...
those shaders are double sided and can simulate sss...
+1 and you can edit those vertex normal to achieve better lit.
Good to know.:thumbup:
I would also like to point out that you may (not necessarily for foliage) want to use doulble-sided shader in some cases as you can "mask" out backfaces and make them behave differently.