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3D Animator needed for run animation for 4 legged creature with tentacles

polycounter lvl 5
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wrfstudios polycounter lvl 5
[PAID] 3D Animator needed for run animation for 4 legged creature with tentacles

I need a run animation for a 4 legged creature with it's 6 tentacles moving natrually too - it needs to look cool!

Here's the actual model here..


The actual running of the legs could probably be done in 25 frames - however because I don't want the movement of the tentacles to look too much like its looping the entire animation loop might need to be 200 frames (an animater probably knows more about this)

the model and animation format needs to be in 3ds max

Budget $75



  • priveraba
    Offline / Send Message
    priveraba polycounter lvl 2

    I can help you with the animation. I have experience doing animation in 3Ds max with CAT, a little bit of Biped, and a normal customized rig. I would love to animate your model, it looks pretty interesting and it offers a challenge!

    These are some examples of my work:

    Made with Maya

    Made with CAT


    If you like them, feel free to contact me via e_mail: p.riveraba@outlook.com
    or by Skype: clipsototal / p.riveraba@outlook.com
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