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Landscapes - UE4

Hello dear PolyCounters,

I thought I'd share some images here too therefor I can use your valuable feedback.










And yes! I love Battlefield 3, and Andrew Hamilton's work! D


  • Sammy101
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    Sammy101 polycounter lvl 6
    Always loved your work Max, I remember you working in Cryengine before.
  • loggie24
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    loggie24 polycounter lvl 3
    Love em. ^ i think soon no one will use CryEngine unless crytek decides to update/fix their engine. Been with CryEngine for almost two years now and looking to switch to UE4
  • felipealves
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    felipealves polycounter lvl 11
    Really cool stuff man! Looking forward for more landscapes.
  • Mr Significant
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    Mr Significant polycounter lvl 11
    Looks like early steps in development of RAGE :D But!

    I have few questions:

    How dense can be the polygon grid on actual terrain? I mean, in CryEngine 1m equals 1 poligon, which is super blocky result. Is it different in UE 4 ? How detail can you make your actual terrain, from geometry point.

    Ofcourse I dont mean little sand dunes or something, but having problem making small bumps like you have here and there, is really annoying on Cryengine.

    Second, do you have one master material for landscape ? With all textures albedo/reflectivity/roughness/normal/displace in this one material ? How its working?

    Sorry for long post, hope you have time to response.

  • Maximum-Dev
    Thank you all for the kind words. And to be honest, even if cryengine get new tools by the time UE4 will get improvements over the awesome tools it already has. So it's still not a reason to switch back to cryengine really, at least for me.

    @Mr Significant, The density starts from 1 poly per meter. But landscape LoDs in UE4 are much better IMO. It's also doing a really good job performance wise and you have way more control over your terrain. Refer to this link for more information. Also yes, I'm using one master material for all the landscape, it's very well documented thanks to Epic. In cryengine I had to paint all the map by hand with switching between a lot of materials. But those times are over hopefully ^^

    I'm doing some little work on the surface. Will post new screens soon.

    Thanks again to all and remember I really need your feedback here or it's much harder to improve it.

  • Maximum-Dev
    Hey guys,

    Here with an update. I have made more variation to the surface. Feel free to let me know what to improve. thanks.






  • Goobatastic
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    Goobatastic polycounter lvl 8
    great work maximum dev. Are you using DEM data? If so you passing it through World Machine and generating a splat map through that? Is the geo still height map or are using geo? Do you think you be adding any props to the scene if so will you be doing this procedurally?
    keep it up
  • narticus
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    narticus polycounter lvl 7
    Looking great! Are those cloud shadows in the latest update?
  • Maximum-Dev
    @Goobatastic, Thanks man. No DEM. I don't find using DEM worth the time. You wouldn't have the look you want. I create the shapes myself that's always better for game-play. It's height map. If you use geo you don't get the LoDs and polycount gets you. I was planning on adding vegetation but the way I want to do it isn't just yet implemented to the engine. It should arrive by version 4.8. Again thanks for the kind words.

    @narticus, I'm using 4.6. 4.7 just came out but I haven't got it yet. Thanks.
  • narticus
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    narticus polycounter lvl 7
    Oh, I meant your latest update, as in the latest pics you posted.
  • Maximum-Dev
    @narticus, Ah sorry. Those shadows are included in every screen I have posted. :)

    BTW here is a little preview of the next map. (Previous one is finished, more screens of that at a later time). :)


    I'm either doing it very well nobody criticize it or I'm doing it so terrible these don't deserve a feedback at all. :D Please tell me my weak spots I'm all ears! :)
  • narticus
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    narticus polycounter lvl 7
    Woah, looking great!

    About the cloud shadows... are those created within UE4 or is that a custom map you brought in?
  • Poinball
    Offline / Send Message
    Poinball polycounter lvl 6
    I just love the sand !! Can you make a little tuto about it ?
  • Maximum-Dev
    Hey guys

    @narticus, Just an animated shadow map.

    @Poinball, You mean the sand as in texture or the form of dunes in the height map itself?

    back with a little update: This has turned into a learning map for me. Working on blending between layers. (Thanks to Andrew for giving the tips). It reminds of a sentence I read in Vertex mag, Saying art is never finished. Now each time I go back to the map I see more ways I could improve it. Until I come to a point of throwing all of this map to recycle bin and start making a brand new one this time with the new things I learned over this one. :D



  • GarfSnacks
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    GarfSnacks polycounter lvl 8
    wow, I absolutely love your fourth picture in your first post, so much detail!

    How large is your heightmap texture? also, are you using a macro normal map to blend with the individual layer normals (rock normals, snow normals)?

    Can't wait to see more updates :)
  • narticus
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    narticus polycounter lvl 7
    Yeah a workflow/tutorial would really be amazing
  • Gazu
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    Gazu polycounter lvl 12
    How do you make them look so detailed from far?
    Is this created in World Maschine with a Splat Map?
    Are these smaller sized uv coordinates?
  • KustomZero
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    KustomZero polycounter lvl 6
    Man this are gorgeous. Would you mind giving a little breakdown of your work there? I kinda struggled with Unreal Landscapes
  • Mr Significant
    Offline / Send Message
    Mr Significant polycounter lvl 11
    Breakdowns especially on this image


    how snow is blending so well with soil?
  • Maximum-Dev
    @GarfSnacks, Height map is 4033x4033. No macro normal for blendings. Thanks. :)

    @narticus, A tutorial is planned for future but I'm busy with works and packs atm.

    @Gazu, Good normal maps play a big role in keeping the details coming. Yep, WM2 but not using WM2's splat map creator. I generate several masks from the height map and tweak them with hand here and there and then put them in RGBA.
    (Nice weapons by the way) :)

    @KustomZero, I'm making it very easy to understand, the shader setup and all so when you get the pack you get to learn every bit of it. And of course a break down would be done when I'm finished with these so you get a deep tour into how I did it all (though I'm not doing great). They are half done atm and many things are subject to change/improve.

    @Mr Significant, ^ that.

    Thank you all.
  • Maximum-Dev
    Hello again,

    I forgot to post this ugly island, without water and unpolished but priceless comments of yours really helps a lot while I'm working on it. Thanks.


  • Gazu
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    Gazu polycounter lvl 12
    @Gazu, Good normal maps play a big role in keeping the details coming. Yep, WM2 but not using WM2's splat map creator. I generate several masks from the height map and tweak them with hand here and there and then put them in RGBA.
    (Nice weapons by the way) :)

    Thanks dude. Would you make an Tutorial on Vimeo or YouTube for us? :D
    The only thing i need to know how to make these Details because my terrains look so flat :(

    An No, the Island isn´t ugly ^^
  • armagon
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    armagon polycounter lvl 13
    Which kind of masks are you generating for export? Could you elaborate on that? Also, any info on how you did those textures? Substance Designer? ZBrush?

    AMAZING work dude.
  • Mant1k0re
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    Mant1k0re polycounter lvl 8
    Wow, really stunning man. HAsn't released on Marketplace yet, right? Been looking and didn't find it.
  • SuperAdrianna
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    SuperAdrianna polycounter lvl 10
    These look really great. I haven't tried my hand at landscaping yet, thank goodness UE4's documentation is so awesome.
  • armagon
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    armagon polycounter lvl 13
    I just love the textures. They're amazing.
  • Goobatastic
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    Goobatastic polycounter lvl 8
    Great stuff maximum dev. Have you used the Geoglpyh plugin for world machine?
  • Mant1k0re
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    Mant1k0re polycounter lvl 8
    You cannot let this project die :p Release this already and take my money ^^;
  • Goobatastic
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    Goobatastic polycounter lvl 8
    Why do you think i piped up Mant1k0re :)
  • The_Mad_Cat
  • Shrike
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    Shrike interpolator
    looking very nice, but ry to get more away from that veigny look, real mountains are a lot less uniform. Adding a additional mask that adds sand/snow over many of the previously unaffected places (50% or so) would make it look more natural and less uniformly masked / get away from that heightmap look
  • Maximum-Dev
    Wow guys. A lot of love here.

    I stopped working on this for the last couple of months to concentrate on some paid work to pay the bills. I need to upgrade my GPU and case and I need to purchase a tablet as well. I should be starting up on this again soon and will have it ready for voting on the Unreal forums by the end of July.

    Thanks again.
  • Mant1k0re
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    Mant1k0re polycounter lvl 8
    Great! I can't wait to dissect your work in Unreal, it's really inspiring.
  • Maximum-Dev
    Thanks everyone for the kind words. Updated landscapes incoming soon!
  • Mant1k0re
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    Mant1k0re polycounter lvl 8
    Weeee! So glad you didn't forget about this project man :-)
  • Maximum-Dev
    I'll be working on this forever and a day. :-)
  • Goobatastic
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    Goobatastic polycounter lvl 8
    Yo maximum.

    Do you use tri planar materials for your terrain at all?
  • Maximum-Dev
    Hello everyone,

    Back from the dead, the thread lives once again. :)
    I was working on some freelance works, and then did a small foliage pack for UE4 marketplace. Now back to knock out this landscape pack.

    @Goobatastic, Hello, and no. I was working on a canyon once and it was really needed there as the canyon wall were like 90 degrees it was stretching the textures a lot. But here the slopes aren't that extreme and materials look ok so I'm not using Tri-Planar for these.

    Update on the snowy map (let me know what you think and how I can improve it):






    (Long live Andrew Hamilton) ^^


    Edit: Sorry I wasn't around this thread for a long time. Tomorrow I will reply all the posts from first page.
  • Maximum-Dev
    @Gazu, Not sure which detail you are referring to. As of heightmap itself or texturing?

    @armagon, I use a slope node to get the rocks, and I use flow and deposition map then as a base to start working on them in Photoshop. My textures are all made out of photos. And thank you. :)

    @Mant1k0re, Right. Not released yet. Finishing it soon.

    @SuperAdrianna, When I was using cryengine I always dreamed of such environments and I always failed at my attempts. Thanks to UE4 it gives you all the tools necessary to achieve your vision accurately. Can't wait to see you giving it a try. :)

    @Goobatastic, Hmmmm not I never got my hands on that plugin. Looks interesting though.

    @Shrike, You are right. I'm always following a specific style. Will try to make some variety. Thank you for the feedback. :)

    @Mant1k0re, Glad to see someone finds my work inspiring. But the inspiration isn't really coming from me, it's coming from the one who inspires me to do these. ^^

    I'm very closely watching this thread, one eye here all the time to use your awesome feedback and learn something new and improve.

    And thanks to the rest.
  • Maximum-Dev

    Here is the next terrain. I decided to give Tri-Planar mapping a try and so I need extreme slopes. Here is a WIP shot.

  • armagon
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    armagon polycounter lvl 13
    Since you said your textures are photo-scanned, could you elaborate on your workflow? Do you take the photos yourself, or do you use cgtextures? How do you tile them? Do you use Substance, B2M or something similar?
  • HAWK12HT
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    HAWK12HT polycounter lvl 13
    great work man, just one thing are you using splat map with custom shader and letting UE4 terrain deal with Lod etc. I am doing similar stuff but in Unity and what if we use terrain as a mesh from 3d package rather than the default terrain editors in these engines.
  • Mant1k0re
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    Mant1k0re polycounter lvl 8
    Wow, it looks cool. About triplanar, does it mean the texture is projected on the mesh regardless of its UVs? I'm really wondering how you achieve something like this in UE4...?
  • Maximum-Dev
    @armagon, Well, I didn't say photo scanned, I said photo sourced.
    I am currently not using CGTextures for this pack at the moment. Everything is cut out from photos. ^^ (Some from Mayang Textures. They're awesome).

    @HAWK12HT, Yes I use splat maps. Terrain itself has a streaming LOD you don't get that by using geometry as terrain.

    @Mant1k0re, By default textures are projected on terrain along the Z axis. (or Y in UE4). I mean top down. With WorldAlignedTexture node you can manipulate that projection. For example make it project in all XYZ directions. And yes it doesn't matter how your UV islands are spread out. It's working just like the Tri-Planar node in Substance Designer if you have used. I have not tried this on objects though, Didn't need to, I only used it for terrain up there. As long as I scaled the terrain up and down the textures on it didnt start to get smaller/bigger so it's projected regardless of UVs. Hope that helps. :)
  • armagon
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    armagon polycounter lvl 13
    @armagon, Well, I didn't say photo scanned, I said photo sourced.
    I am currently not using CGTextures for this pack at the moment. Everything is cut out from photos. ^^ (Some from Mayang Textures. They're awesome).

    @HAWK12HT, Yes I use splat maps. Terrain itself has a streaming LOD you don't get that by using geometry as terrain.

    @Mant1k0re, By default textures are projected on terrain along the Z axis. (or Y in UE4). I mean top down. With WorldAlignedTexture node you can manipulate that projection. For example make it project in all XYZ directions. And yes it doesn't matter how your UV islands are spread out. It's working just like the Tri-Planar node in Substance Designer if you have used. I have not tried this on objects though, Didn't need to, I only used it for terrain up there. As long as I scaled the terrain up and down the textures on it didnt start to get smaller/bigger so it's projected regardless of UVs. Hope that helps. :)

    So, what about the specular/normal maps? Are you using a semi-automated process, with Substance or similar, or are you creating a heightmap from the diffuse, displacing a mesh in ZBrush and then polypainting?
  • Maximum-Dev
    armagon wrote: »
    So, what about the specular/normal maps? Are you using a semi-automated process, with Substance or similar, or are you creating a heightmap from the diffuse, displacing a mesh in ZBrush and then polypainting?

    CrazyBump. ^^
    Roughness is driven from either R or G or B channels of the Albedo maps. (Usually R and G give better result over B but it really depends on the Albedo itself).
    I adjust the normal map strength in engine until I'm happy with it.
  • armagon
    Offline / Send Message
    armagon polycounter lvl 13
    Nice! Thanks for the info. Oh, and regarding the clouds, did you use planes? Was the skybox created in Vue or by hand?
  • sziada
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    sziada polycounter lvl 12
    these are awesome dude!
  • Mant1k0re
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    Mant1k0re polycounter lvl 8
    @Mant1k0re, By default textures are projected on terrain along the Z axis. (or Y in UE4). I mean top down. With WorldAlignedTexture node you can manipulate that projection. For example make it project in all XYZ directions. And yes it doesn't matter how your UV islands are spread out. It's working just like the Tri-Planar node in Substance Designer if you have used. I have not tried this on objects though, Didn't need to, I only used it for terrain up there. As long as I scaled the terrain up and down the textures on it didnt start to get smaller/bigger so it's projected regardless of UVs. Hope that helps. :)

    Ah, and I was just wondering how to deal with big slopes like the one you have in your latest screen. I really thought you had to actually model those manually, I will poke around and see what I can do with that node. Thanks a ton for the tip dude :)
  • Maximum-Dev
    @armagon, It's the default sky sphere that comes with every new level you create.

    @sziada, Thanks.

    @Mant1k0re You're welcome. :)

    More screen:



    I'm now planning on the fifth map.
    Once I'm done with that I'll start to review all the 5 maps and make some changes here and there and prepare it for the marketplace. Once it goes live I will add one map to it per month.
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