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[WIP] Sci-fi refinery (UE4)

polycounter lvl 6
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oscar3dart polycounter lvl 6
Hi everyone, so I've been working on this outdoor scene with sand dunes for a little while and I'm recently picking it up. It is a work in progress although I think it's 90% there.

-Things that I have in mind to add:
1- Blending texture of the sand to add on surfaces
2- better sand texture
3- fix few things about the terrain, some areas I don't like.

There is more but I can't think of any atm.

I need some C&C. I am not sure if I'm in love with this piece yet, I think every artist goes through this stage at some point :poly142:






  • kmactastic
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    kmactastic polycounter lvl 8
    Wow very believable. I think a video that shows movement would be really sweet. What is this rendered in?
  • oscar3dart
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    oscar3dart polycounter lvl 6
    Hey thanks! yeah I actually did a test video that shows the blades rotating in the background. This is in unreal 4
  • TwoSuns
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    TwoSuns polycounter lvl 7
    Hey oscar, I think it's looking pretty good so far!

    I agree with the things you have in mind to add, yet I also feel there are some other things you can push that will get you to loving this piece. Here are a few suggestions:

    - You have some nice shapes in there, but they're not reading well enough right now.
    • You could add more colors in to have them stand out better. Edit: They color some pipes diffrently at refineries too:

    • Maybe have different colored pipes, or add some warning signs and caution tape.
    Also some of the objects in your scene can use more geometry, it's affecting the silhouettes and some of your textures.


    - The materials could read better. Right now they're a little conflicting.
    • The chrome looking pipes look off, I can't tell if that's worn out paint or some sort of drit?
    • The rust on the painted metal should look darker. It also looks lighter than the rust on the little maintenance shed at the side of the refinery.

    - Some of the geometry intersecting each other looks weird.
    • The refinery and the sand.
    • The Wind turbines and the sand.
    • The big cylinder and the walls beneath it.
    This can all be fixed with stronger AO. Do you have it on?

    - A lot of the lighting in the scene isn't making much sense.
    • The direction of the refinery's shadow and the wind turbine's shadows are conflicting in direction, or at least that's how it looked to me.
    • With such a strong sun (which I assume is sometime around noon) the other lights in the scene (mainly those lights in the refinery) should not be as intense.
    • The turbine's body doesn't look like it's casting a shadow. You might want to see if something is unchecked in the lighting properties.
    Also, are you using baked lighting in your scene to make use of the Global Illumination?

    -Scene's background feels a little empty.
    • Sky could use a few clouds
    • Sand blowing would work very nicely with your scene, especially since they seem to be generating energy from the wind.

    Here's a paint over I did to help visualize some of the suggestions I've mentioned:


    And a step by step of the paint over:


    Hope this helps!
  • oscar3dart
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    oscar3dart polycounter lvl 6
    Hey James, thanks a lot for taking your time to put this together. This is a huge help :) I really appreciated.

    I had planned on re-doing some geo, especially the ones you pointed out.

    - Not really sure what's going on with the AO, its on, you can see the last screenshot of the turbine, I think the AO its a bit strong in that one but in the refinery is not casting very well. I may have to check the skylight I have.

    - Thanks for point out the shadow direction on the turbines compared with the refinery. I have no idea whats going on there lol. I think my skylight has shadows On.

    - Not really sure how to get the occlusion where the sand meets the surfaces of objects. This was simple to do in UDK, now with this PBR thingy I'm not sure.

    I will post some WIP soon. Thanks again!
  • lophead25
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    lophead25 polycounter lvl 10
    Looking nice Oscar, I think you having too many colours is very conflicting and uneasy to eye, you should limit your colour palette a bit more and fine tune it :)
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