So I have a small start-up video game company I'm trying to get off the ground. So we have an artist that just finished the concepting stage, and I'm trying to put him to use and do textures. However he has a very very poor computer with a celeron processor and 512mb of ram. Unfortunately this is too weak to handle the major texturing programs. we have tried DDo, Substance painter, and Mari. However all of these seem to be to much for his computer to handle. Does anyone know a less processor heavy solution. Or perhaps how to tweak the settings of the previously mentioned programs, so his computer can handle it. His computer can handle the new Photoshop barley, so that's something.
gtx 700+
16gm of ram
ssd for windows
20'+ screen, h-ips
is a must.
Forget about DDo, Substance, Mari (lol), UE3-4.
If the stuff is PS2/PSP level of detail, 512MB of RAM shouldn't be a problem.
It uses Direct3D 7, and I suspect that it doesn't support graphics tablets. You can still use a tablet with the program, but it'll be treated as a mouse cursor.
It should run on any Windows system if the compatibility setting is on.
(Taken from the recommendations in the software list for the Ludum Dare.)