I'd like to ask two questions regarding dDO, I am new to that soft and I know almost nothing about texturing.
Can you tell me how can I import an obj file as one ? I have a prop, that I've created in Maya and why I try to load it in dDO, it gets seperated to few "meshes". That makes further texturing a real pain. I tried assigning everything into one group in Maya, but that did not help.
Besides, do you know any good tutorials for a newbie that would help me out ? These two over here are great, but quite advanced, with both meshes pre-done. I'd look for something more newbie friendly. Like creating a simple prop etc.

I have that same issue with 3d Max.
In maya, make sure to use the "combine mesh" tool for your mesh, It can also be a good idea to delete history, and always triangulate the mesh. that should result in one meshgroup in DDO!
Regarding tutorials there are a few, but sadly we are lacking a bit in that department to be honest, but there are quite a few on the Quixel youtube channel that you should check out!
There´s also a lot of information on the Quixel wiki:
including sample projects that are great to pick a part and learn from.
Let me know if there is anything more you´re wondering about