I'm thinking about getting into this digital art stuff, been jumping between different majors for a while but CG seems to be the one that's sticking
So this here is my first model (outside of messing with simple primitives). Modeled and rendered in blender, about two days of work, and its high-poly as Fk. This is about as far as i want to take it, considering my lack of technical prowess as well as the capabilities of the second hand hardware i'm using (and in the middle of rendering a wire-frame view blender crashed and bunch of work disappeared).
So what do you think?
Could use grip detail that typicall found on Colts like these.
Texture it.
Thanks Brian.
As much as i want to add detail to the grip, getting anywhere close to the detail of the source would require a better computer than i have now, my cpu was screaming as is...
and as far as texturing goes, i have zero experience with that sort of thing, and i lack drawing programs like photoshop atm (not much money for the programs or the tech). i really want to, but i think i'm going to have to get my practicing in first