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Help with blitzcrank concept? <3


I'm not sure if I'm "allowed" to ask you guys this, but I'm totally stuck and need help from super awesome people (you guys).

So here is my dilemma. I'm working on a 3d model (blitzcrank from the game league of legends). I have been searching for awesome concepts to work from and i found plenty. I have been searching for robot parts to understand how a robot works etc.

But I'm total poop on working from my own mind. I know cool stuff that I would like to do but i'm not able to :.(

So I'm asking you guys, is it possible to ask you to help me do something cool with the stuff i have?

Here are some pictures on the model I have:


I dont want to spam this thread with pictures so i created an album. Hope it works.

So here is my ideas:

* The right arm is the "hook" arm. The hand will extend with a metal line. The feeling i'm after here is that it should be able to grab good.

* The left arm is the punch arm. I want it to feel "tough". The only purpose is to hit enemies into the air with it.

* The "rockets" or air-vents on his back should feel like 2 chimneys. I would like to have quite some cables going back and through.

* The middle is the heart

One big issue I have is how the mechanism works. If I could get some good guidelines on that it would help me alot.

Thanks and alot of love!



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