i use the 30 day trial for Modo, has somebody a Step by Step Tutorial for Modo Lattice Deformer? I can create a lattice for the Mesh but i dont know how i connect mesh and lattice. I wish for Maya simplicity. :poly122:
A Popup for Lattice like the help doc and "parent to" the single mesh.
But the result is not the same like the picture. My Mesh has a cage thats okay but Lattice cage doesnt effect my mesh. The scene overview is not correct, Lattice Mesh and Lattice effector are Sub Points of the starting Mesh and not the Mesh and Lattice effector sub points of the Lattice Mesh. I dont know how i chnage this parent child problem.
You need to turn on "Enable Deformers" in the viewport options menu, otherwise the mesh won't deform when you manipulate the lattice points. It is disabled by default in the modeling viewport. Just press 'O' inside the viewport and go to the "Drawing and Control" tab, the "Enable Deformers" box is at the very bottom.
I have a mesh.
I add a Lattice effector
A Popup for Lattice like the help doc and "parent to" the single mesh.
But the result is not the same like the picture. My Mesh has a cage thats okay but Lattice cage doesnt effect my mesh. The scene overview is not correct, Lattice Mesh and Lattice effector are Sub Points of the starting Mesh and not the Mesh and Lattice effector sub points of the Lattice Mesh. I dont know how i chnage this parent child problem.
That was my problem.