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[UE4] Blizzard Student Contest Entry (Baba Yaga)

Since I got my results back from Blizz, I figured I'd post the work I did over this winter for the Blizzard Student Art Contest! I wish I had more time to work on it, but my break didn't start 'til quite late. ): Nevertheless, better having done something than nothing at all!
I'd absolutely love for any feedback you guys might have, as I think I'll work on this a bit more until I'm happier with. It's always fun to practice handpainting.






  • Limewax
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    Limewax polycounter lvl 6
    I think the final shot is very well composed. Overall, its a great portfolio piece. I'm not entirely sure it fits the Blizzard style mainly because some of the details get a little too small and refined (I know thats an odd critique to receive). I personally interpret Blizzard to use a lot of big, broad simple shapes. As far as colors go, you've nailed the colors. Its just that some of the designs are slightly busy.

    Anyway, I think you should be happy with this especially for student work.
  • Cyan the Red
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    Thank you so much! I feel like I was trying to overcompensate for the mistakes I made last year (my entry before was perhaps a bit too simplistic for Blizzard's style)-- I guess it's all about reaching a happy medium and watching out for my texel density. It's particularly hard to do with wood, as the grain can get very busy very quickly. I'll have to look out for that next time!
  • GhostBlades
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    GhostBlades polycounter lvl 3
    Very nice :) I love the idea of baba yagas house WoW style well done
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