I'm a technical animator that is currently looking to expend my skillset and I'd like to learn how to write shader in hlsl, but I don't really know where to start. I'm comfortable with scripting and coding so that part should be fine. But I do not know where to start, which engine should I use? I'm not really interested in learning xna just to test/learn shading unless I really have to

Is there any out of the box software with plug and play shader file that I can play with ?
Can you recommend a good website to start with(regarding to hlsl scripting tutorials) there seems to be so many I don't know which 1 to pick

MS's site also has great resources. Filter by Game:Shader should give you quite a lot of look at.
would you recommend using fx-composer for developping/testing shader?
It's available on Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/314720/
Unity is using CG as a primary shader language but this is very similar to HLSL so it shouldn't hurt to begin with that even if you decide to continue your learning in another engine with another language.
This even might become more interesting with unity 5 introducing it's new physically based shading system pretty soon.
Here's a very good wiki that goes on shader creation in unity from basic stuff to more advanced ones :
There is also a wiki for GLSL which provides code for the same shader examples which is interesting to compare the two language.
Althoug using GLSL in unity might not be the best option as it lacks support and documentation it still provides good info if you are ineterested in GLSL.
I begun learning shader language here with a non programming background and it really helped me get my hands dirty and learn the logic behind shader creation.
I hope it can helps.
Anyhow i'm still keeping unity in mind