Hey guys, i don't know if this is the right place to write this.
So i'll just go ahead.
I've got an upcoming test from my teacher and he wants us to make an Entrance door similiar to the Ex. i'll be putting down under.
I want to push myself a tiny bit and try to work with something that will not only give me more experience, but maybe also fasten my workflow.
Could you guys please point me to what i could search for to gain dozens of dozens pictures that i could use as a reference?

The thought process is... try to identify the most basic elements in your reference, and use those as search terms. The architectural style is the toughest part, this is kind of a mix of styles.
You could also refine it to search for specific parts in the concept. This means learning a few architectural terms, like that thing at the top is a Swan's Neck Pediment.
Wow, I learned some stuff just by helping you.