Hi fellow polypushers!
I've got a little hot-air balloon project going, and am currently working on this basic part of the 'cage':

Time to export some displacement maps! I start with one of the wrappy-roundy tapes. I update the subtool's low-res basemesh with new UVs - all is well and good.
But the generated displacement texture looks like this:

The detail is (in a way) all there, but everything looks faceted..
The same issue cropped up on a little sandbag I made yesterday - then it worked perfectly before I was able to pin down exactly what had fixed it.
From what I googled so far, this seems to be a common issue with UVs coming into Zbrush from 3DsMax. I've tried the following suggested fixes: resetting object normals, flipping the UVs every which way, re-applying and collapsing Unwrap UV and Edit Poly modifiers... No luck!
I'd really appreciate anyone's input on this issue!
Cheers in advance.
PS. I realise there are alternative ways to extract the maps, but I'd really like to understand specifically what the problem is here. Please do not suggest Xnormal or similar as a solution! Thanks! 
Have you tried using goZ to import the model, or perhaps the new fbx importer?