Hey guys im part of a small group of friends that are trying to make a game in unity. Im at the stage where my character who is a Mage and - has a cloak and hood - needs to be rigged. the character should be able to pull off good facial performance. i have a choice of two software to complete the rig.
blender which i have used for two years.
maya 2015 which i have very little knowledge in.
only problem is i have no idea where to start making a game ready AAA rig for a game character. also since we don't have time or budget for facial capture, are there any cheap and fast solutions for making facial animations without just using keyframe animation methods to do it all. it would be great if anyone could help us out.
If you have time constraints and little experience, i would check some autoriggers or free rigs from creativecrash.com (Maya custom Rigs) You can then extend then using custom maya tools, for example for your cloak. And if you are new to rigging, keep it simple in the beginning!!