So, with the appearance of G-sync monitors and some of the complaints about DA:I dialogue being capped at 30-FPS, I kinda figured that learning how to implement animations that's not reliant on the frame count could be useful.
I've done a bit of research and from what I can tell, FBXs save animations on a frame by frame basis. Sadly I'm not familiar with any other file types. I also realize that this kind of method would also be reliant on the game engine as well.
So, I would like to know if there is a method out there that I don't know of, or if this is even in the realm of possibility.
Edit: Also, on a side note, I vaguely remember reading that the resolution of particle effects in Valkryia Chronicles were tied to the resolution the game was running at, might be similar enough to the logic needed for what I'm looking for.
I guess there's was one other bit of info that helped make this thought appear. Basically in a video talking about frame rates at 60 and higher, he shows how the framerate made differences in CSGO in some areas, like turning, and no difference in other areas, like reload animations. (link for the video is below if anyone is curious, and he does show footage in a way that works on youtube)
The reason why I had pointed to animation was because turning in-game is something handled in-engine, while the reload animation might not be.
Honestly, I will admit that I could be thinking too much and this could be a non-issue, but this kind of information is surprisingly hard to find. Also, yes they do look very smooth, but I way I want to know why it's like that and how can it be done in a way that will could allow it to look smoother if the monitor can display it.
link to video mentioned above: [ame]
Though if I recall there are games like Smash Bros that make it sound like animations can be locked on an object by object basis, with character animations running at 60fps and assist trophies being 30 fps. Not sure how that works entirely but a lot of animations that seems lower frame rate may just have to do with the overall settings or ways that the animation information is optimized to run well in engine.