I am working on a tar 21 and I think my low poly is the cause of bad bakes. doe groups of thin tris do that? here is cropped image of the normal of where one of the problems are happening.

This gun has a lot of molding and rounded parts some of which i have decided to just make as floating geometry on the low poly but some parts are cut right through. any suggestions on how to have this optimized and not going to cause problems baking?
Here is a link to the guns thread.
What should I do about this? I have been trying to figure this out for 2 weeks and I feel like I am banging my head up against a wall.
Maybe upload a portion of your model and we can have a look?
I'm baking in xnormal,
Here is a link to the receiver.
I'm inclined to say its party your cage though, I'm not sure what program you are modeling in but try tweaking the cage and UV splits at the troublesome spots.
Triangulate your entire mesh as well before baking it out, it should help with some of those bigger issues, i think you have some non planar faces in there.
As for the edges, i know you said you set your uv borders to have a hard normal, make sure that in your export options that the normals are being exported with your low poly.
From top to bottom:
- left side of your geometry after I oriented all normals in Houdini
- left side of you geometry directly after I downloaded it
- right side of your geometry after I oriented all normals in Houdini. Notice that there is a big problem with you polygon where arrow points.
- right side of your geometry directly after I downloaded it
In couple places you got theoritically flat geometry from two triangles, but normals on them doesn't point in the same direction, so they give you problems after baking. Plus this messed polygon on right side.
BTW. Take what I say with a big grain of salt, because I'm not a game modeler. I'm just saying what I see wrong with normals in your geometry after I loaded it into Houdini. Maybe guys knows some techniques that works in low poly that doesn't have to look exactly correct in viewport before normal texture applied. But the messed polygon for sure shouldn't be there
I tired adding geometry around the problem on the mesh I was using to bake but it seemed to have the opposite of my desired effect.
These Uvs are temporary anyways, I just want to make sure I understand how to bake normal maps properly before unwrapping the whole gun.
1. I didn't make a split near a 90 Degree angle(or another sharp angle)
2. There's a problem with my cage.
3. There's a problem with my low poly.