We just finished up our second game project here at Futuregames yesterday! We had the chance to work in 6 teams of 7-8 people. 3 designers and 4-5 artists. Yesterday we had a lovely jury consisting of :
Danial Rashidi, Tech Artist at Dice.
Robert Wilinski, Senior Environment Artist at Starbreeze.
Rasmus Eriksson, Designer at King.
They were very nice and gave great feedback about our presentations, visuals and gameplay!
My team constisted of :
Jakob Gavelli - Environment Art and Art Director.
Ida Sviggum - Animations and VFX.
Evelina Kolovou - Environment Art and props.
Keep it up!
You can follow us on our journey to become game developers and stay tuned for more info about release dates, general progress and more on our facebook, twitter, webpage and e-mail!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AdventureOnCloverIsland
Webpage: http://adventureoncloverisland.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/aociGame
E-Mail: info@adventureoncloverisland.com
We will on there announce juicy details about the game and the developers. All pages are just recently up and running and will recieve alot of changes and content in the near future. Also feel free to send us a mail regarding anything!
@Geno527 : Thanks! We're currently having discussions about it, w're running for SGA which is at the end of May. So probably not before then?
We kicked this project up a notch and it's no longer a 3.5 week full time project, but a... lots and lots of weeks on our spare time project!
I'm currently using a pretty massive shader for all the large rock assets for up-vector sand/grass and height based gradients to get some value variation, and a height+up-vector combo for snow on high peaks.
Updates on our second level which will be set in a kind of alien desert!
Moar rocks!
and SAND!
@SaboR1996 : We haven't really gotten that far yet. ^^ Thanks! We're happy about it too!
@kirkos : Thanks! That shouldn't be a problem, haha
Made two alien medium to large size plants today. Trying out the mushroom. Got weird artifacts from our in-game AO, looks much smoother without it
Tell me what you think!
@kirkos : Cool! Here's a shot from the RockMaterial. It's pretty basic stuff, but the gradient is probably what helps the most. In the desert it's just a near-black gradient, while on the first level it's a green gradient that goes up from water-level, to get more color variation.
The lerp is just multiplied with the albedo.
Zoomin to see the sand!
ROCKS : [Removed]
FOLIAGE : [Removed]
METAL : [Removed]
WATER : [Removed]
2015-11-08 EDIT : I removed all the breakdowns of the shaders since a game studio copied them 1:1 and used in a commercial project without giving credit when approached.
will be helping me a lot when i get to do my environments
thank you
Best Art and Game of the Year at Swedish Game Awards! : http://gameawards.se/news/swedish-game-awards-2015-conclusion/
And if you want to see how happy we were you can check out our facebook : https://www.facebook.com/AdventureOnCloverIsland
Optional gif! http://i.imgur.com/U6er5Y7.gifv
Really beautiful stuff!
@atomander : Heya, thanks! The grass is HEAVILY inspired by Wildstar, holyshit that game is beautiful.
Here's basically what's happening with the grass. It's a bit of a pain to set up in UE4 though as you have to turn off "Align to Normal" and "Random Yaw" in the foliage tool, and manually lasso and rotate the grass in the desired direction.
I have a tiling texture that I project on Z, so that there are no seams between slabs of cliff or problems with different scales on the cliff meshes. The grass and grass meshes are also colored with a projected texture for variation, which is why the values look a bit off in the maya viewport.
The normals of the vertecies on the grass clumps are pointing straight up aswell so there's no trouble with blending them there either.
Texture for the planes ( still a bit WIP, it's kind of a living process ) : [REMOVED]
Tiling texture for the terrain/meshes/whatever : [REMOVED]
and a maya shot : [REMOVED]
All the meshes in the shot are just simple planes
2015-11-08 EDIT : I removed all the pictures of textures since a game studio stole the textures, removed the watermark and used it in a commercial project.
Forgot to post this here aswell. Done in 2 days by me and one of our designers, all new meshes and stuff. (Looks kind of shit now because of last minute lighting but, yeah, you get the picture.)
A bunch of updates has happened over the last few weeks : https://www.facebook.com/AdventureOnCloverIsland/
We'll be at Dreamhack Stockholm showcasing the game on the 25-26th September!
Here's a peek at some of what I've been doing this week!