Trying to 're-import' a normal map using the 'reimporter' but get the following error in Photoshop:
System.ArgumentException: Parameter is not valid.
at System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor(String filename)
at DDO.IDMapper.GetAlphaXml()
Any ideas?
Thx in advance.

Did you move any of the project files during your reimport, does this only happen with the normal map and only on this project?
Sorry, not clear what you mean by moving project files "during your reimport". In this case I am working off a backup copy of the project folder but this hasn't caused me problems with previous projects. I tested the 'reimporter' on several other projects and I'm not getting this error.
Also, the error occurs when the 'reimporter' is selected so I don't have the option to import any map - 'normal' or otherwise.
Regardless, any thoughts on how to fix the problem?
Thanks again!
Basically DDo seems to convert ID maps from .tga to .png.
Since I always work in .tga I thought the .png one was a mistake or something so I deleted it. That's when the issue happened. Putting that file back in solved the issue.
If you have moved the files from the time you started the project, just open up the Project.xml file and replace the path(s) for the files in the <Inputs> section.