Ok so the shape is a decohedron in a decohedron but each parrallel edge is bridged together, but achieving this on one solid mesh is proving difficult for me,
some advice would be appreciated, if you want to have a go it's a
Extended Primitive: hedra : Dodec/Icos P:0.0 Q: 1.0
I was trying to avoid having to align one over another. i've tried shell and then bridging but then i cant cap the ends, and then tried bevelling out/in but then i get zfighting.
is what you are looking for, than I would do:
1. Inset all polygons.
2. Create copy of object after inset and make it smaller. Now you got outside and inside.
3. (this step is optional, since I can automate bridging in Houdini I prefer to have it like this) Separate those inseted (is there a word like this?) faces on both, small and big copy.
4. Bridge those faces.
5. At this point you should have all you need. Inside, outside and bridges. Merge them all.
Can't show you how to do this in Max, but if you are interested i can make gif how I can do this in Houdini.
other than going in and doint an inset every face and moving it im not sure how to do it and even then i dont think that will work or be symmetrical then.
Thanks for the help montra, but it's not quite the shape im looking for there.