Here's a little thing I did to take a break from an environment I've been trying to make. I've been going through all the Metroids again when I hit Prime and just really got the urge to make a creature I could see possibly being in one of the games. The Sheegoth were my main inspiration with their body structure, they're not very complex yet so cool. It was fun but I feel like I'm stuck doing this semi-stylized look. I really need to change it up next time.
It's a nifty little creature, but I feel you can really push the texture either more stylized or more realistic. Currently there is very little material differentiation between skin, teeth, spikes, etc.
Try an gradient map ao bake overlayed to direct the eye towards specific parts of the model and to de-flatten the texture. This is a really solid base, but you can definitely put in some more work to make it shine!
I started working on something very similar to this! Actually the lizard from final fantasy xi. So I'm looking forward to seeing any extra progress you make on this. I'm also pretty stumped on how to do the lizardy skin.
Thanks guys @Lucas
Texturing has always been a hurdle for me as i always have a problem with making it too basic and flattening the detail of the model. Thanks for the tip, I'll see what some experimenting can get me. @Matty
For the skin I layered some brushes from Micheal Dunnam here, specifically the dragon sets and some of the cracks.Then tried to emphasize it a bit more by masking via cavity in zbrush and darkening those areas, could still probably be pushed a bit more though. Oh, I also tried making the specular reflection in marmoset a tinge purple so that it would have a sort of iridescent effect as if he had scaly, reptilian skin.
I personally don't like the jaw color being the same as the under body/belly. If you wanted to keep some of that yellow color, I would maybe have it bleed only a bit onto the lower sides of the jaw, but not the whole jaw.
To continue on this, the jaw teeth and blend together alot because of the color being very close. And the spikes and back seem to blend together a bit as well. Maybe try making the spikes the same color as the toenails and see if that looks any better.
Try an gradient map ao bake overlayed to direct the eye towards specific parts of the model and to de-flatten the texture. This is a really solid base, but you can definitely put in some more work to make it shine!
Texturing has always been a hurdle for me as i always have a problem with making it too basic and flattening the detail of the model. Thanks for the tip, I'll see what some experimenting can get me.
For the skin I layered some brushes from Micheal Dunnam here, specifically the dragon sets and some of the cracks.Then tried to emphasize it a bit more by masking via cavity in zbrush and darkening those areas, could still probably be pushed a bit more though. Oh, I also tried making the specular reflection in marmoset a tinge purple so that it would have a sort of iridescent effect as if he had scaly, reptilian skin.
And then unlit.
To continue on this, the jaw teeth and blend together alot because of the color being very close. And the spikes and back seem to blend together a bit as well. Maybe try making the spikes the same color as the toenails and see if that looks any better.