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Painter - can't open a project after crash

polycounter lvl 9
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Tzur_H polycounter lvl 9
Hey there,

I've been working on a piece for the last 2 days, painter crashed when I tried to up res the document.

Now, when I try to open the .spp file I get this error:
  1. Cannot load this project with this version: Cannot decode data

Please tell me I didn't just lose 2 days of work!?
I've been working with the same version of painter all the time, 1.2.0 build 590


  • Froyok
    Offline / Send Message
    Froyok greentooth

    Can you send me your project ? I will look into it.
    My e-mail is : fabrice.piquet[ at ]allegorithmic.com
  • MeshMagnet
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    MeshMagnet polycounter lvl 9
    I had the same thing happen to me. My comp completely froze when I tried to uprez the document. The project file then wouldn't open.
  • Tzur_H
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    Tzur_H polycounter lvl 9
    I don't know why SP is crashing when I try to up res..it's like trying to compute all layers strokes at once..? If I turn off all the layers visibility, then up res the doc, and then turn on layers 1 by 1 and give the program time to compute each layer it's working. Too bad I lost the work on that piece and now I've gotta start over :[
  • MeshMagnet
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    MeshMagnet polycounter lvl 9
    Yeah, I'm going to chime in here as well. It seems with the update, I tend to get more "stuttering" when I'm painting. Also, I fear uprezing too, it tends to crash the program now. :/
  • Froyok
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    Froyok greentooth
    Sorry I didn't had the time yet to look into the project you sent Tzur_H. I will do it as soon as possible.

    On which hardware do you guys run your projects ? Working in 4K can be very demanding in resources. Does the freezes happen on every project ?
  • MeshMagnet
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    MeshMagnet polycounter lvl 9
    Here's a dxdiag, hope this helps:


  • Froyok
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    Froyok greentooth
    We looked into your project Tzur_H, unfortunately we are unable to recover your data. I'm afraid the project is lost.

    By deduction we estimated that you :
    - saved you project
    - then changed the document resolution

    We think while doing this, you Painter crashed but the save system was still performing. So you have missing data in the project file which can't be recovered because they don't exist anymore. If it was not the case, don't hesitate to correct me. The best for us to be able to fix the issue is to understand well the context.

    As for the crash while upscaling the texture set, we will need your full log file. It can be found in : C: \Users\*username*\AppData\Local\Allegorithmic\Substance Painter\log.txt

    @MeshMagnet : I believe the same comment applies also to you unfortunately. You can still send me a corrupted project if you want to and I will check it.
  • Cloudfactor
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    Cloudfactor polycounter lvl 2
    substance painter 2 crashed while I was painting some color and Opacity in the blended alpha mode. The project does not open now. is says...

    [ResourceExportPreset] Failed to load export preset 'Additional maps' [Invalid binary data]

    [ResourceExportPreset] Failed to load export preset 'Amazon Lumberyard' [Invalid binary data]

    [ResourceExportPreset] Failed to load export preset 'Arnold UDIM' [Invalid binary data]

    [ResourceExportPreset] Failed to load export preset 'Arnold' [Invalid binary data]

    [ResourceExportPreset] Failed to load export preset 'Corona' [Invalid binary data]

    [ResourceExportPreset] Failed to load export preset 'CryEngine 3' [Invalid binary data]

    [ResourceExportPreset] Failed to load export preset 'Dota 2' [Invalid binary data]

    [ResourceExportPreset] Failed to load export preset 'Keyshot' [Invalid binary data]

    [ResourceExportPreset] Failed to load export preset 'PBR MetalRough (Folder or PSD Group)' [Invalid binary data]

    [ResourceExportPreset] Failed to load export preset 'PBR MetalRough' [Invalid binary data]

    [ResourceExportPreset] Failed to load export preset 'PBR SpecGloss from MetalRough' [Invalid binary data]

    [ResourceExportPreset] Failed to load export preset 'Redshift' [Invalid binary data]

    [ResourceExportPreset] Failed to load export preset 'Shade 3D' [Invalid binary data]

    [ResourceExportPreset] Failed to load export preset 'SpecGloss (non PBR)' [Invalid binary data]

    [ResourceExportPreset] Failed to load export preset 'Unity 4' [Invalid binary data]

    [ResourceExportPreset] Failed to load export preset 'Unity 5 (Standard Metallic)' [Invalid binary data]

    [ResourceExportPreset] Failed to load export preset 'Unity 5 (Standard Specular)' [Invalid binary data]

    [ResourceExportPreset] Failed to load export preset 'Unreal Engine 4 (Packed)' [Invalid binary data]

    [ResourceExportPreset] Failed to load export preset 'Vray' [Invalid binary data]

    every time I start substance painter 2 now.

    I save iterations of my work, but there is still a lot of work in the iteration I lost. I understand programs crash sometimes, but not crash should cause a loss of data or a change in the programs ability to load up again properly. Thank youl

  • Jerc
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    Jerc interpolator
    These errors do not relate to your projects but to the export presets in the shelf that may have gotten corrupted somehow, try deleting the export presets folder in your Documents/.../Substance Painter 2/shelf/allegorithmic folder and restart Painter.

    Is there any other message in the log when you load your project?
  • Cloudfactor
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    Cloudfactor polycounter lvl 2
    I removed the program, installed the previous version, then reinstalled the current version, and the preset errors went away. Yes, there was another error in the log, which was "Cannot load this project with this version: Cannot decode data" (same as OP). When I try to open the the project now, it hangs indefinitey and says (Not Responding). I'd really like to recover the file. Too much work was lost. Thanks.
  • Cloudfactor
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    Cloudfactor polycounter lvl 2
    After 15 mins, the hanging stopped, but it still said "... Cannot decode data." Thanks. I posted the SPP on the allegorithmic help forum as well since I couldn't see a way to post it here.   https://forum.allegorithmic.com/index.php?topic=12153.new#new
  • OlograMan
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    OlograMan polycounter lvl 4
    Hey guys. So, i know it was a long ago but i had the same problem here and i solved by copy and paste the file to other directory, i think its worth a try, good luck o/

    Btw, im using 1.7.3 version.
  • aclund3
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    aclund3 polycounter lvl 6
    I'm in the same boat as @OlograMan, I know this thread was from awhile ago, but I have now lost two different projects (maybe 4 hrs each, could be worse) and the second one came with this error message:

    cannot load this project with this software version: cannot decode data

    I've tried looking online for a solution, but every time I see an Allegorithmic employee ask for the file, they look at it for a bit, and then say its corrupted.... and that's it.  Is there anything more to be done for reopening, or 'recovering' the data? In this case I worked on the file. Saved it. Closed it. Came back in a few hours to reopen it, and nope. There was no crash this time, nothing indicating a problem... sigh.
  • Froyok
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    Froyok greentooth
    There is two possible situation when a corruption happens :

    - You try to open the project, you immediately get the "cannot decode data" dialog. We can't do much more, the project's archive is corrupted. It's like a zip file missing its end half, without the missing end we can't open the archive.

    - The project opens, but then an error appears (3D scene is missing for example). In this case it may be possible to retrieve some data, but often not, simply because the project has been saved without all the data. Basically the save process didn't worked properly. In this situation we ask for the project and use custom tools to look into it. 
    Sometimes we are able to tweak the 3D scene and restore the full project, sometimes we lose the painting, etc.

    I know this is frustrating, we but are still unable to figure how, why and when these corruptions happens. One thing that seems to prevent the problem is to do often a "Save As" of your project (like every hour).
  • duke
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    duke polycounter lvl 13
    You might consider writing to a temporary file and only when it's complete, overwrite the existing. That's how 3dsmax does it and it has saved me multiple times.
  • Zelfit
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    Zelfit polycounter lvl 8
    duke said:
    You might consider writing to a temporary file and only when it's complete, overwrite the existing. That's how 3dsmax does it and it has saved me multiple times.
    I'm sure it does. I remember once it crashed while saving and I was able to recover old scene. It was in the same folder but renamed from .spp to some other extension.
  • AnArtAccount
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    AnArtAccount polycounter lvl 4
    Lot of good advice here! hope this helps!

  • maryusatom
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    maryusatom polycounter lvl 11
    Hi guys,

     I might have found a partial solution.
     My error was:

      Project loaded, all looks fine, but I get errors in the Log window saying : failed to decode bitmap, loads of times the same error ( I'm assuming for different maps)
     When trying to export textures, it saves only the difusse map, and then painter crashes. Tried modifying the TDRdelay values in windows registry, didn't help.

     My solution to THIS error was ( assuming you have a previous save of the project, in my case just the start of the texturing process, but it might as well work if you just go in from zero, bake all maps again, and then proceed with this steps):

      Open corrupted project, create a folder from all layers ( basically put all layers under one folder), then create smart material from that folder.
    When smart material is saved, close corrupted project.

     Open previous save, with no corruption, or start from zero ( the same mesh, same UV's obviously) and bake all maps, and then apply your saved smart material .....and all work is recovered.

     Hope it helps.

  • GabrielCasamasso
    Yeah the solution is by copying the Substance Project File to another Directory and then Load this new one into Substance Painter! :)
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