Excuse my grammar, I speak spanish.
TL;DR: Can you recommend me a good full tutorial for starters on making models for games? (from the high poly to the finished low poly textured)
So just yesterday I was watching the awesome work of many people in the Riot Contest (Character Art), and making models for games its totally new for me, I don't know step-by-step on how to do it correctly, but I have a general idea on the process because I've seen videos here and there but not really a good and complete video for starters.
Today I was watching this video:
But I was rather disappointed, because it seems to be a very complete video about this process (I might be wrong, but that's what it looks like for me) but the problem is that everything its going just too fast for starters like me (even tho he seems to explain everything in general concept), and since I don't like the Ditto way of learning A.K.A watch and repeat every step but I rather like to understand what's going on, so somewhere around the 4th Video Tutorial I linked I was like "What am I watching lol", I was really confused, he just lost me and going back on the video wasn't helping at all.
So yea... it was disappointing to find such a full tutorial but sadly not really good for starters (or maybe I'm just too slow), I could go and search among hundreds of tutorials about this until I find a good one but I thought I could give it a shot and seek for help on this forums, I hope you guys don't mind.
But from experience, I often model my low poly using maya from which I've learnt from this tutorial for organic modelling, it helped me begin to model basic mesh extrusions, adding edge loops and also the use of box modelling method. Since then this helped me model my hard surfaces.
Hope this helps.
I think this one will do