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Better Call Saul

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Shiniku polycounter lvl 14
So, the second episode of better Call Saul just aired last night, what are everyone's thoughts?

I wasn't a fan of the idea of doing a prequel, since you know how things end up and the actors are visibly older, but so far I've really enjoyed this show. Great start.
I hope they don't linger too much on characters we've seen before, but it was fun to see Tuco again. Also, it's awesome to see the guy who played Vaas in Far Cry 3 will be having a big role in this.


  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I wasn't too keen on the first episode. I really didn't see it appealing to anyone, who wasn't already a fan of Breaking Bad. I felt like it spent a lot of time setting things up, and not really going anywhere.

    I have the second one DVR'd, so I can't comment on it yet. Maybe I'll see if I can stream it during lunch.
  • Shiniku
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    Shiniku polycounter lvl 14
    I mean, I think ep. 1 of any show has to spend some time 'setting things up'. I probably didn't get too into Breaking Bad until halfway through the first season. In retrospect the first episodes are really good, but it's hard to tell before you know much.

    Jury is still out on "Saul" but I'm optimistic based on what I've seen so far.
  • slipsius
    Second one was definitely a LOT better than the first. I felt the first was pretty damn slow. second one was also pretty slow, but, better. Then again, Breaking bad was also slow to start. Not THIS slow. but ya.

    But, I've enjoyed it. Im not convinced it's only good for breaking bad fans though. And even if it is, there are a LOT of breaking bad fans... so, who cares?
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I don't mean to sound like the 'show' is only for BB fans, I'm just saying that I think the first episode would not be interesting to anyone who was not a BB regular. And sure, there are a lot of BB fans, but Saul isn't going to appeal to ALL of them, and I'm sure they want it to be just as successful (or close) as BB. I think the point of airing the first episode, after TWD, was to get new people into the series. I'm not sure that first episode did anything for that.

    For instance, someone I game with, was wondering why everyone was excited about Saul, and he gave it a view. He only made it 15 minutes in, and shut it off. Sure, that Cinnabon opening was interesting, for BB fans, it only served to confuse/bore him.
  • slipsius
    Ya, for sure that's why they did the 2 episodes in 2 days. Because the first one was really frigging slow. But they have to start somewhere, right? Breaking bad didnt pick up till later. It had a terribly low audience the first season. It was almost cancelled, but each season had more and more viewers. I have a feeling this will be the same.

    Though, I hope it does well. If it does, they are planning on doing the story of Gus next, which I think would be a fantastic watch.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I plan to continue watching it (watching ep 2 online, right now). I'm just afraid of the first ep leading to people not watching, and the show failing. I like the 2nd one so far, though it's still a bit slow (so far).
  • Deathstick
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    Deathstick polycounter lvl 7

    Oh baby I'm loving it so far. It's way better than I thought it would be; particularly in how it has the quality and humor/drama mixture of Breaking Bad, but keeping its own identity so it doesn't feel at all like an attempt to milk the series.

    Can't wait for the next episode, Go Team Kettleman! ;)
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    so far I'm enjoying this way more than the Walking Dead.
  • anmol94
    The second one was also pretty slow, but, better. Then again, Breaking bad was also slow to start.
  • slipsius
    Very enjoyable 3rd episode. You can really start seeing him fall into his character now. And I think it's to the point it doesnt matter if you watched breaking bad. it would be enjoyable regardless. Glad it's picked up.
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    The shots in this show are amazing. I end up just paying attention to the composition and framing most of the time. So good.
  • Deathstick
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    Deathstick polycounter lvl 7
    blazed wrote: »

    It would be great to see towards the end of the series that the timeline connects with the Breaking bad one. So we can see what was happening on Saul's side and even get to see Heisenberg again and some of the background stuff we didn't originally see like how he poisoned Brock (?) at the school? etc.

    I think I heard somewhere that the series is supposed to have a bit of all three time periods in it. (Before breaking bad, possibly a bit during although I'm not sure, and definitely after)

    I'm sort of getting this feeling judging by how the first episode opened up on Saul with a mustache in hiding, aka when the poor guy got teary eyed watching his old commercials as Saul.
  • slipsius
    opening shot was a nod to breaking bad. in like the second to last episode, he told walt "this time tomorrow i`ll be in ____ working at a cinnobon".
  • claydough
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    claydough polycounter lvl 10
    supposedly has better numbers for a first seaason than walking dead?

  • jStins
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    jStins interpolator
    slipsius wrote: »
    Though, I hope it does well. If it does, they are planning on doing the story of Gus next, which I think would be a fantastic watch.

    Wow, I hadn't heard about that. Gus' flashback episode in BB was one of my (many) favorites and I've always been curious to see more of his back story.

    I'm liking Better Call Saul so far and happy to be back in the BB universe. I love the motif created by the characters, location and cinematography. The writing is solid and they took some interesting turns I didn't expect. I also like all the small details that make the story cohesive.
    Like Chuck removing all metals and electronics when visiting Jimmy in jail the same way Jimmy has to when he visits Chuck in his home.

    The only negative part is the wait between episodes and I'm already dreading the wait between seasons.
  • MiAlx
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    MiAlx polycounter lvl 10
    jStins wrote: »
    Like Chuck removing all metals and electronics when visiting Jimmy in jail the same way Jimmy has to when he visits Chuck in his home.

    I somehow completely missed the similarity, very interesting.
    jStins wrote: »

    The only negative part is the wait between episodes and I'm already dreading the wait between seasons.

    I honestly started watching Better Call Saul with apprehension, as I was wondering how you could make Saul interesting, compared to Walter White, Gus and all those characters. But I gotta say I am hooked, especially episode 2 was really exciting and episode 3 is where you really see Saul slowly becoming the Saul we saw in BB. Can't wait for more.
  • Deathstick
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    Deathstick polycounter lvl 7
    That first scene when the prosecutor doesn't say a word after Jimmy's big speech and just wheels in the television with the vcr tape, ha!
  • jStins
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    jStins interpolator
    blazed wrote: »
    Yeah I was going to say earlier: "attention to detail" check!

    Unless you watched the episode multiply times already then things become easier to spot... but that's just sad man! /joke

    I watch every episode once in real time, once frame by frame, then in reverse slo mo video and audio. Don't want to miss anything! :nerd:
  • assblood
    jStins wrote: »
    I watch every episode once in real time, once frame by frame, then in reverse slo mo video and audio. Don't want to miss anything! :nerd:

    It's the only way to watch a good show these days :poly142:
  • BeardyDan
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    BeardyDan polycounter lvl 2
    I caught up on Episodes 2 and 3 last night, I am really enjoying it. There's potential here for this to be better than Breaking Bad in my opinion, so long as they keep it grounded and don't do too much over the top stuff like
    blowing up a goddamn plane.

  • Fuiosg
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    Fuiosg polycounter lvl 5
    Love how saturday, sunday, monday is black sails, walking dead, better call saul. Though Walking dead is admittedly far inferior to the other two.
  • Shiniku
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    Shiniku polycounter lvl 14
    Oof - Gotham, don't know why I keep watching that mess, I think I must hate myself. That kid's not a bad actor but that whole scene was pretty cringe worthy. That show's been a huge disappointment for me. I'm glad some people are enjoying it though.

    But, I think Better Call Saul is shaping up really nicely, last few episodes have been pretty good. The whole bit with the
    was pretty entertaining.
  • Wesley
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    Wesley polycounter lvl 14
    This is pretty cool. The pacing is nice and slow but the payoffs seem a tad minor and predictable? Fun though! Better most of the other shows on Netflix, at least.
  • Fuiosg
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    Fuiosg polycounter lvl 5
    Interesting one last night, I thought it was a pivotal moment when that woman says 'you're the kind of lawyer who represents guilty people'. Of course ironic since that family is guilty.
  • IceWolve
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    IceWolve polycounter lvl 18
    If that is right, at least he now has 3 hots and a cot for 15 years... it's stupid how things are.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Fuiosg wrote: »
    Interesting one last night, I thought it was a pivotal moment when that woman says 'you're the kind of lawyer who represents guilty people'. Of course ironic since that family is guilty.

    It's obvious the wife knows they are guilty, but she doesn't want to appear guilty, by hiring a lawyer that makes them appear guilty.

    I do find it funny, how she's clearly manipulated her husband, into embezzling all that cash, and was obviously trying the same lines on Saul. Saul obviously is not as naive as her husband, so he wasn't falling for it. He did, however, figure out a way to justify taking them money, for legal fees though (and the beginning of the Saul we know).

    On a side note, did anyone notice the letters, that appeared almost intentionally highlighted, on the sign above Saul, and that other guy from the bar, in the flashback. I tried figuring out if it said something, and I know Gilligan likes to hide hints/meanings in things.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Here's the scene/sign I'm talking about:

    Maybe I'm looking where nothing exists though.
  • Fuiosg
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    Fuiosg polycounter lvl 5
    notman wrote: »
    It's obvious the wife knows they are guilty, but she doesn't want to appear guilty, by hiring a lawyer that makes them appear guilty.

    It didn't occur to me that the woman could be orchestrating it, you could be right, but I thought she said that because the other firm HMM who was representing them gave them that idea about Saul.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Fuiosg wrote: »
    It didn't occur to me that the woman could be orchestrating it, you could be right, but I thought she said that because the other firm HMM who was representing them gave them that idea about Saul.

    It's completely possible that HMM is planting impressions of Saul on them, but she was the one who wouldn't let her husband sign with Saul, when they were in the restaurant... possibly before ever talking to HMM.

    I just listened to her try to justify him taking the money, because of unpaid overtime, and using the slavery analogy. Her husband kept following up with the 'yeah', and clearly lacked any balls. She's trying to justify half a million dollars, for a few extra hours of work. That's a hefty interest charge, on those hours ;)
  • jStins
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    jStins interpolator
    notman wrote: »
    Here's the scene/sign I'm talking about:

    Maybe I'm looking where nothing exists though.

    Perhaps it's a reference to the Roman philosopher, lawyer and politician, Cicero. It's a little known fact that Cicero was a schemer, often ripping off the merchants of Rome in his early life. He was known as Cicero Sceleratus (criminal) before rising to prominence as a lawyer. The connection is pretty obvious really. :P

    I think it will be challenging to keep some viewers after Breaking Bad ended with such high intensity sequences. Vince Gilligan has such a good touch with montage and action sequences, But they just aren't framed by the same level consequence and violence as BB (yet?). Here we have a montage of Jimmy making phone calls, Breaking Bad had the infamous '8 minutes' sequence. The first scam with the skateboarders played out with great style and had good payoff, but it was no train robbery.

    The story has been good at highlighting what makes Jimmy unique and setting up future episodes. We all know where he ends up, but they've done a good job setting up the journey and it will be just as unpredictable as BB I think.

    edit re: Gotham... I liked Gotham after a few episodes when I realized it was just a cop procedural that had more room to play with it's comic book setting. Kind of like Dick Tracy. Love the lighting and set design.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Actually, you know what's funny, I was focused on the letters that were lit up, and not the words. I thought some letters were darkened on purpose. I wasn't paying attention to the cicero part.
  • Shiniku
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    Shiniku polycounter lvl 14
    Yeah, I'd say for sure the Kettleman wife is the mastermind behind the stealing.

    I too am worried about viewers not being as interested in this. It's definitely not as exciting as the last few seasons of BB, but BB had a really slow buildup too, I wasn't even too into it until 3/4ths the way through season 1. Then again, being a prequel I don't think Better Call Saul will ever have the payoff Breaking Bad did.
  • jStins
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    jStins interpolator
    notman wrote: »
    Actually, you know what's funny, I was focused on the letters that were lit up, and not the words. I thought some letters were darkened on purpose. I wasn't paying attention to the cicero part.

    Heh, yeah, I noticed that after I made my post. It's probably nothing, but when Jimmy is defending a criminal that stuffed a philosophy student in a freezer... We can high five for seeing it coming. ;)
  • Deathstick
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    Deathstick polycounter lvl 7
    Oh my finally got to watch the last episode,
    Jimmy's plan with the guy falling from the sign was just pure con artist genius. I couldn't help but die of laughter when it turned out Jimmy had picked Hamilton's exit for the billboard ripoff, and how he somehow wore the same exact suit Hamilton was wearing each day. Loved the cinematography with his brother running out to get the newspaper in a paranoid fashion as well, and then the camera just cuts to the normal reality of the neighbor looking out the window as this madman dashes across the street in a space blanket like he was running through a nuclear fallout.

    Saul's life is turning out to be a lot more interesting than just the partnership he had with Walt. I'm really liking how it has the tone of season 1 and 2 of BB so far (which are my favorite seasons + season 3 to rewatch). Don't get me wrong, I loved all of BB, but damn the later seasons are sometimes too tense to rewatch for relaxation :D
  • Chantel-sky
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    Chantel-sky polycounter lvl 3
    The shots in this show are amazing. I end up just paying attention to the composition and framing most of the time. So good.

    I'm the same!

    Last nights episode was so good, Can't wait to see more of Mike and Jimmy.

    @ Blazed I've been enjoying Gotham too, Cameron Monaghan did a great job potraying the Joker!
    Also I loved that scene with Tuco, Jimmy and those 2 guys.

  • Shiniku
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    Shiniku polycounter lvl 14
    Last episode was really good, glad to see more progress with Saul's story. BUT the episode that focused on Mike was amazing. Give Jonathan Banks an Emmy. That speech at the end was heartbreaking.
  • GrungyStudios
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    GrungyStudios polycounter lvl 8
    I bet the very last scene of the whole series will be when Saul first meets Jesse Pinkman
  • Deathstick
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    Deathstick polycounter lvl 7
    I'm still rooting for some post-BB clips/episodes, think pulp fiction's timeline.

    I also have seemed to developed a crush for Mrs. Kettleman... o_O
  • slipsius
    the very first scene of this series was post-BB.

    Also, they`ve already said there is gonna be some cross over, and we`ll be seeing the BB guys. some of it takes place during the same time frame. think they aid some will be before, during and after BB.

    but ya. this show is shaping up very nicely. better than i was expecting, truth be told!
  • Dazz3r
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    Dazz3r polycounter lvl 12
    Anyone notice Trevor (Steven Ogg) Phillips in this weeks episode?
  • GrungyStudios
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    GrungyStudios polycounter lvl 8
    Dazz3r wrote: »
    Anyone notice Trevor (Steven Ogg) Phillips in this weeks episode?

    Holy shit is that the guy who does his voice? He reminded me of Trevor so much it was incredible lol
  • Dazz3r
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    Dazz3r polycounter lvl 12
    Yeah it was him, shame it wasnt a bigger role.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Wow, I'm surprised I didn't even catch that. Trevor's voice seems so familiar to me, that I thought I would have recognized it. Now I need to rewatch, to hear it... not to mention, that scene was amazing.
  • ghaztehschmexeh
    I'm liking how this show is shaping up. I'm really enjoying how they are fleshing out saul/jimmy as a character. They could have just tried to milk the cash cow of breaking bad and made it just a generic show about whacky lawyer hijinks.
  • Deathstick
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    Deathstick polycounter lvl 7
    I just saw the latest episode, Jimmy's brother
    is a dick
  • jStins
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    jStins interpolator
    Shiniku wrote: »
    Give Jonathan Banks an Emmy.

    I thought the same thing after that episode. The range he showed was remarkable. I'm really glad that the show is also giving us more Mike, one of my favorite characters from BB, as I'm sure he is for a lot of fans. I think they're doing a great job fleshing out his character (along with the others).

    Man, this last episode... that was rough. One episode left and here comes the long wait for season two!
  • Shiniku
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    Shiniku polycounter lvl 14
    Deathstick wrote: »
    I just saw the latest episode, Jimmy's brother
    is a dick

    Yeah for sure.
    It was easy to figure out it was Jimmy's brother keeping him from working there, but when it finally came out and he was forced to explain his reasoning it just felt so real. Obviously dickish and shitty logic but definitely plausible, really impactful moment. Maybe Jimmy will finally change his name to distance himself from his brother.
  • mofo09
    ughh, the first episode was so good. im kind of waiting till the seasons over so i can just watch it all in one go. :)
  • KyleJensen
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    KyleJensen polycounter lvl 14
    In last night's episode
    Towards the end of the episode I had a feeling something bad was going to happen to his friend Marco. However I thought that he would get shot after startling the person they were trying to scam. Turns out something bad did happen to him, but he died of a heart attack when Jimmy and the scam target/victim arrived at the location instead of being shot. Also I thought at the very end he was going to decide to go with "Saul Goodman" as his name before going back to being an lawyer as a way of starting fresh.

    I'm really enjoying this series and I look forward to watching future seasons.
  • Saf
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