Hey guys!
I recently bought the quixel suite and im still very excited about it. However, I encountered several (what I think are) bugs and problems which I am very unsure on how to solve. They make working in DDO impossible. It is very possible that I am missing something basic since I am very new to this.
1- More often then not, when making new materials and creating a base. DDO does not make some of the materials. This is often the case with bare wood and bark. The albedo map shows up greyscale and the mesh in 3DO is white. Also most of the materials I linked do not show up in the layer menu.
2- Sometimes when making a new project DDO applies the materials to the mesh but the UV's are applied wrong.
3- Other times, besides not applying the materials in 3DO again. The materials in my Albedo map show a strange square pattern.
4- Sometimes when I create a new project and link the materials to the several color ID's they show up but are not applied in 3DO, force refreshing does not work either.
I booted up the project several times and got the same issues or a combination of these issues every time.
I had a problem with booting the suite as it would crash on startup, starting up as admin solved the booting problem but there might be something more going on. The biggest issue is that when linking materials to the color ID's they do not show up or show up buggy. I hope you can help as I am really looking forward to making some great textures!
Good to have you onboard and welcome!
It looks to me as most of the troubles you are having are due to problems with the input maps/mesh.
However the reason bark for instance is not showing up is simply because we have not yet added a bark smart-material.. shame on us!
What you could do is to download a sample project from here: http://quixel.se/usermanual/quixelsuite/doku.php?id=ddo_samples
Just to make sure that everyting works fine, then we will know if your project´s problems are due
to bugs or issues with the input maps!
I downloaded the orc and it seems to work fine so I guess I made a mistake somewhere with the imput maps... Do you have any idea what went wrong? Also is there any way I can see the smart materials that are availible?
I would start by making sure that all your inputmaps are flattened png´s without transparency!
There is a nice entry on the WIKI on how to produce the input maps:
Let me know if you have any more questions
I solved most of the problems above by making some newer cleaner maps without transparancy. It works great so far!
I do however have one problem left which is the squares on the materials. I first made some metal material which worked fine, but as soon as I move on to the wood area's it creates some sort of grid in my maps. Any idea's?
If you click the reimport inputs button on the DDO window you can change it there, what resolution are your textures in? if they are 4096x4096 i suggest you start with a texteldensity of maybe 2048.