Hey everyone,
I've encountered a few problems about having this unknown transparency on my low poly model, I don't know the correct term for the problem to google and so I only have a few images to show as of now, so let's get straight to the point...
1st problem:
As I was modelling a round low poly hard surface sniper scope in maya, all the meshes looked fine until i exported it to marmoset for preview, and it gave me this problem:

Some of the edges in the mesh are transparent. This happened after i finished unwrapping the whole model and also baked the normal and AO maps in xNormal using also the ray distance calculator for 15 seconds.
I also tried exporting it using GoZ to zbrush (because i thought it might've been marmoset being buggy) to add some details and the same problem occurred whenever I rotate the model the transparency is always there.

Maybe it's because I have some meshes which have open holes in them? hence this leads to the second problem and thought it might have been my poopy UV unwrap skills so I tested and imported my model with no UVs instead in marmoset and the same problem occurred only this time it doesn't have that transparency rotation anymore from the 1st problem but the round clamp stays transparent.

I then tried importing another file in marmo with an unexploded bake with xnormal and imported the maps in marmoset, it didnt have the transparency rotation problem from the 1st problem but the only problem this time is the round clamp as shown on the image below is still transparent.

This is the part where I'm starting to think if it's the waviness from the low poly of my model, but then again I tested the model with no UVs and it still gave me the same transparency problem shown below.

I also edited the smoothing groups by softening the normals in maya, the low poly is a mess.

so I've added extra edge loops and bevels to make it look more cleaner.
Thanks for stopping by!
If there is anything you'd like me to explain feel free to ask and I will also (maybe) add a few screenshots. :poly124: (if necessary xD)
PS. I think i've said transparency way too much, I apologize for this haha
Edit: Just to clarify, this isn't a fix, just troubleshooting.
EDIT: also, I've noticed that if you reverse an only one sided normal face, when I turn on backface culling the other side of this inverted face stays invis? is it a good idea to make a new geometry in it's interior or am i missing a settings option in the reverse normal panel?
here's the screenshot