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"Banshee's lamentation" set for Mortred, need feedback.

Hello polycount, that's my very first thread here (Btw don't mind much my bad english, I'm brazilian) and I'd like some feedback on a item set I'm making for mortred, any constructive criticism is welcome and encoraged. "Banshee's lamentation" is a provisional name, Ideas for that are welcome as well.

Armor set:


Weapon (sorry for only having the weapon traditional grapphite concept, if anyone find it to be necessary I'll make a digital, further refined version):


Update: Further refined the HiPoly model and kept the duplicated blade scheme, at least for now, it'll be better for the texture later on, will try the other blade later:


For whoever it might interest, a little backstory and the source of inspiration in the make of the set:

Although the pattern for a phantom assassin's killings is not known, it does not change the fact that some targets are not so easy to take care of, that being said there's a smaller circle in the order, the one of the banshee's. "The ones that comes before the death of greats". As expected the selection of assassins to take part in the circle is shrouded in mysteries, what is known, however, is that the sign of the screeching mouth is no trivial matter.

As you might have guessed, my idea for the set is based on the spirits of the irish mythology, the "banshees", for the sake of anyone wanting info on them here are some links on the subject:


Btw, I did have one or two more version of the armor and some more of the weapon, but they were just outright terrible, but if anyone think it'd be a good addition to the post I could attach them in the post as well, just let me know in a reply.
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