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Time Estimates for Mesh/Texture creation (static/vehicle exterior/low poly)

polycounter lvl 6
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MattLloyd polycounter lvl 6

This is my first post here (other than the mandatory 'hello'!)

A bit of background first:

I'm currently working on a project in my spare time (I work as a developer for a major Australian TV manufacturer - writing a variety of types of software from database tools for our logistics etc to android apps for our smart TVs).

I've written games in the past (wrote a whole bunch between 2002 and 2009) generally doing all the media assets myself, although I have occasionally contracted out work for concept & 3d art as well as music. My academic background is in mathematics (completed a Science degree in 1999) along with a bit of engineering as well as teaching....

My current project is a little more ambitious than my previous ones yet I do feel that it is well within my capabilities. I've planned out (all in writing) a considerable amount of the tasks that need to be completed - including everything from individual database fields, queries, user interface flow, gui elements, 3d meshes (including poly counts, textures, etc), individual sound effects, music loops. Along with that I have a time frame for when I see myself completing each of the tasks, at least the tasks I can do myself. And I've already written a large amount of the code/server back end and have tested a proof of concept for the 3d environment.

so where am I going with this?

Ok. I will eventually like to contract out some of the work that needs to be done. As part of my design I've worked out that most likely before the game is completed I will need to contract the creation of a number of media assets. I've looked around, done my research, and seen the approximate price per day/hour for different types of media creation. I expect that it won't be until at least June/July that I am ready to move to this stage though - so I've got a bit of time (ie I'm not hiring anyone in the next few weeks - which is why I didn't post this in the jobs area yet!)

Anyway my main question is regarding time frames to build textured low poly 3d meshes(suitable for mobile/smart tvs - running android) - as this will give me a bit of an indicator of the cost/quality ratio I can aim for.

I have read a number of posts that discuss this - but from what I can see most of them are talking about rigged humanoid characters - I imagine these are much more complex than what I am after.

For my project I do not need any of those sorts of models.

What I will eventually be after are space ship models. The design I have has 4 different 'class' of models - two small vessels, a fighter and bomber, and two much larger vessels - some sort of cruiser and a capital ship. I'm still debating whether to go down the route of using 'team colored' textures to differentiate 'factions' (thus meaning I could get away with only 4 meshes) or to have a multiple of 4, either a separate set of 4 for each faction or possibly simply 2 sets of 4 (identified only as 'friend' or 'enemy' - much like in a game of chess).

So, regarding 'creation times' for a spaceship, including texture, with triangle count ranging from 500-1500 for each craft am I
looking at 'hours', 'days' or 'weeks' to create each one?

I have some experience 3d modeling - I used to create models for my own games using SoftImage XSI (5.0 foundation back in 2005/6) although they
were definitely "programmer art" - so I have a rough idea of how long it takes me to make something - but then I'm not an artist, nor was the quality
high - so the time I have in mind may not necessarily match up with how long an experienced artist would take.



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