You can animate in Unity, which is free, but the animation tools are pretty simple. You still need to create the skeleton though, and set up vertex weights, so Blender or another free software.
It would be best to explain your reasons for wanting a standalone application, this is always a good thing to do when asking a question like this because its likely that people have been down this path before and might be able to share insight that they might not otherwise share.
Reason I say is, if this is for any kind of serious work:
I'd ultimately always suggest that you go with the industry standard of Maya or Max. Why?
- Massive compatibility across engines, plugins, middleware
- Massive support available online
- Massive collection of plugins available
- If you are looking for a job, you should learn what you would use on the job.
Ultimately you want to remove barriers to work, and alternatives are generally riddled with things you have to work around.
for paid ones.. maybe akeytsu will be in the near future there as a lowcost alternative !?
when you would choose Max or Maya then keep in mind one of those tools will be the next to get the EOL death.
EOL= end of life
like Softimage recently got officially killed besides the fact it was an Industry tool.
Blender has of course some drawbacks for animators and People are collecting them and giving when possible some help;
if free is the deciding factor; always Blender
if the ability to easily add functions to it; always Blender.
if you travel a lot and don´t like geo locks - not allowed to use Max Maya in another country: use Blender
if freshness and updates plays a role for you; Blender
if you are a student and want to learn and earn money with 3D; Blender
if you want to earn money to buy additional 3D programs; use Blender
if you are an indie and have to make cuts on costs; always Blender + good complimentary programs.
if you are an small independent studio; always Blender, since the developers are fixing bugs extremely fast.
what does Blender offer you?
- fast bugfixes
- no rental mode
- no geo lock- you are allowed to use Blender everywhere.
- big helpful community
- good compatibility across engines, plugins, middleware - Unity, Unreal4, Godot, V-Ray,Octane just to name a few.
- you can save a lot of money by buying Plugins
as an example:
V-ray for Max/Maya costs ~893
the price of Max or Maya alone is ~4.641,00
you would easily pay more than 5000,00 only for a Vray+ Max/Maya combination.
V-Ray for Blender costs economic friendly ~417.
- Massive support available online - from forums,some great free tutorials to paid tutorials,schools and online schools etc
- Massive collection of plugins available - from free to paid ones
- as a student with using Blender, what you create belongs to you.
- commercial usage allowed - you need to make money and Blender allows it.
You can animate in Unity, which is free, but the animation tools are pretty simple. You still need to create the skeleton though, and set up vertex weights, so Blender or another free software.
Also you could take a look at Anim8or
It would be best to explain your reasons for wanting a standalone application, this is always a good thing to do when asking a question like this because its likely that people have been down this path before and might be able to share insight that they might not otherwise share.
Reason I say is, if this is for any kind of serious work:
I'd ultimately always suggest that you go with the industry standard of Maya or Max. Why?
- Massive compatibility across engines, plugins, middleware
- Massive support available online
- Massive collection of plugins available
- If you are looking for a job, you should learn what you would use on the job.
Ultimately you want to remove barriers to work, and alternatives are generally riddled with things you have to work around.
when you would choose Max or Maya then keep in mind one of those tools will be the next to get the EOL death.
EOL= end of life
like Softimage recently got officially killed besides the fact it was an Industry tool.
Blender has of course some drawbacks for animators and People are collecting them and giving when possible some help;
so in general;
if free is the deciding factor; always Blender
if the ability to easily add functions to it; always Blender.
if you travel a lot and don´t like geo locks - not allowed to use Max Maya in another country: use Blender
if freshness and updates plays a role for you; Blender
if you are a student and want to learn and earn money with 3D; Blender
if you want to earn money to buy additional 3D programs; use Blender
if you are an indie and have to make cuts on costs; always Blender + good complimentary programs.
if you are an small independent studio; always Blender, since the developers are fixing bugs extremely fast.
what does Blender offer you?
- fast bugfixes
- no rental mode
- no geo lock- you are allowed to use Blender everywhere.
- big helpful community
- good compatibility across engines, plugins, middleware - Unity, Unreal4, Godot, V-Ray,Octane just to name a few.
- you can save a lot of money by buying Plugins
as an example:
V-ray for Max/Maya costs ~893
the price of Max or Maya alone is ~4.641,00
you would easily pay more than 5000,00 only for a Vray+ Max/Maya combination.
V-Ray for Blender costs economic friendly ~417.
- Massive support available online - from forums,some great free tutorials to paid tutorials,schools and online schools etc
- Massive collection of plugins available - from free to paid ones
- as a student with using Blender, what you create belongs to you.
- commercial usage allowed - you need to make money and Blender allows it.