Hello Polycounter!
I face a big problem with an animated character. I set the first keyframes of an 'idle' animation (I have an armature for the character himself and one for his weapon), and set a 'child of' constraint for the weapon to folow the right hand.

I insert 'whole character' kf in a new action called 'idle'
Now, if I click somewhere else on the timeline (to make the next keyframe for exemple), some.. something happen, I don't know how to describe it thats why I took some screenshots ^^

I'm sorry if it's a newbee problem

and I really hope you guys know where I messed up (and how to fix that)
1) POSE mode: create a 'reset' pose for the character and place the cursor where the weapon should be (snap to 'weapon_mount' for example)
2) POSE/EDIT mode: once reset snap the weapon to that location relative to how it's supposed to be appear
3) EDIT mode: in character armature select the bone the weapon is supposed to 'track'
4) OBJECT mode: select weapon Armature, then character Armature (order is important)
5) Ctrl+P to Parent, select "Bone" from the list
It's not immediately obvious this can be done but the above allows you to select a bone in an Armature and then parent to it specifically so following the steps mentioned you should now find the bone tracks the target without mucking about too much with solvers and thingamajigs. Remember though, to *position* the weapon relative to the character you animate the weapon_mount bone, not the weapon bone (you only animate the latter if the weapon itself animates in some way).
+, I have an action to make in the future called "throw", the weapon have to move free in this action ^^
I think I have to join the armatures and the objects together then repaint the weight, no?
I would use two bones in this case. Use a weapon bone which is part of the character skeleton (put it on non-deform). Just integrate it as standard child bone, no constrains. If you want the arms/body to follow the weapon, use a standard ik-solution, like a wrist/hand bone which controls the arm movement and attach the weapon to the wrist/hand.
Then take your weapon, add an bone and use a copy rotation/location/transformation constrain, not a child of constrain. This way your weapon will follow your weapon-bone in your character.
To finally detach the weapon, eg to let the spear fly, you need to disable the constrain. The influence of the spear constrain can be animated too. Press with the right mouse button on the influence value of the spear bone and add it as animation key. If you need free movement, set the influence to 0, else to 1.
Basic setup:
1. armature-character:
- hand bone (eg. controlled by ik driver)
- weapon_bone
2. character model:
-> child of armature-character
3. armature-spear
- single bone (constrain: copy tranformation armature-character/weapon_bone)
4. spear model:
-> child of armature-spear
(don't hit me!) the bone of the sword and the "central" bone of the character armature got the same name... "bone" rofl.. So, because the others bones of the character armature are set to follow the ofset of this one, if I move the sword "bone", everything follow the sword as well x')
I renamed it and all work fine and you solution Ashaman73 is pretty cool, that make the puppet controle even easier ^^
Thank you guys, for your help