If I was still in school, I'd usually talk to my professor about something like that, breaking down to the very nitty-gritty of techniques so I can learn something along the way of doing so...
but I'm out of school now so I thought I ask here and see if anyone would end up not minding the hundreds of questions (including basic 101 stuff) this will most likely entail.
Has anyone seen this?
There's an animatic in the middle of the website showing how she's animating and all the fancy effects that go along with it.
I basically want to do a total break-down of this character art, everything about it, modeling, texturing, animating, shader effects, particle effects, game engine. Sounds like a 30 page book could be written just based on this 1 character... because I think the work done for it is just f**king awesome. Everything reads so sharply for how small the assets all are, antialiased, crisp, smooth, low-poly, minimal clean design.
So modeling, I'm fine with that part... animation, there's so much going on, textures look animated? or is that uv animations? vertex color animation? I have no clue so I'm asking.
How do they accomplish that hair? It's polyplanes right? Has to be... which is rigged to animate and look "flowly".
Then there's that turntable model, the topology changes, geometry changes, there's alpha planes or polys animating.. textures animating.. how how how?
If anyone from the polycount community wouldn't mind being my "sensei" for this 1 art breakdown, I'd be forever in your debt

I'm looking to discuss a complete break down/dissection of creating something like this, every discipline.
I'm mostly interested in the techniques, is that part done in maya/max? is that baked in from adobe? what other technique might have been used for this other part? I am not looking to simply replicate the work... I wanna learn the techniques involved in pulling off effects like that in my game engine of choice.