I will be buying myself probably another computer, dedicated to graphics calculations (rendering, photogrammetry computing, even video rendering and probably some simulations calculations (liquids etc.). So the PC will be used purely as "render machine" to put it simply. It will be running 23 hours a day (1 hour for "rest"), in the begging for probably 3-4 months, 23 hours a day (i have a job that i need to do). My budget is small, not more than $1400 USD.
Because of photogrammetry and other simulations it should have probably some decent graphics card aswell (altough i wont be playing any games on it, purely for "work"). I wont need any SSD disc, since its useless i believe for rendering etc. So just some basic 1 TB disc should do. Im not sure if you can remotely control other pc from your current (via some desktop aplication?), so it should probably have some cheap LCD aswell (all under 1400 USD)comined (!). Ram= 16 GB should do.
Can you give me some recomendations? for a full pc including an lcd under 1400 USD?