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The Thread of CG Slang and Lingo

polycounter lvl 9
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Joel Gafford polycounter lvl 9
So there are a lot of slang terms that we as CG artists use. I'm not talking about the myriad of technical terms like topology, file formats, color space, etc. or even artistic terms like composition, perspective, anatomy, and so on. These have been extensively documented and talked about all over the place.

I think it would be neat to start a running thread of slang terms that are specific to the CG artist subculture. These words don't have to be formal. Usually these terms are derived from books, movies, video-games, and even sometimes from viral videos or memes.

What would be even neater than just creating a dictionary of terms that already exist would be to use this thread to coin new terms, and see if they catch on.

If you want to participate, just reply with your proposed entries like this:

<Term> - <Definition of term.> - <Source where term came from (add a question mark if unsure of source reliability).> - <Your own name>

I'll just edit your terms into this original post in alphabetical order. I'll start us off!

ARBITRARY DECIMALS - When people don't rotate with snaps. - Gobliness - Gobliness

FRANKENSTEINING - See "Kitbashing." - Bigjohn - Bigjohn

GREEBLE - Fine detail on an object to make it more appealing. Referred to as "Guts on the outside." - Industrial Light and Magic while working on the original Star Wars movie? - Joel Gafford

KIPPLE - Rubbish that invades human spaces when maintenance is not done. - "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" by Philip K. Dick. - Joel Gafford

KITBASHING - A process of creating something, not from scratch, but from other older projects. Many times artists have a library full of various assets for this purpose. - Unknown. - Bigjohn

LUNCHCRUNCH - When you cram some learning exercise, or personal artwork (anything from a sketch, to a full-on prop) into a short lunch break. - Joopson - Joopson

NURNIE - See "Greeble." - Ron Thorton, co-founder of the visual effects company "Foundation Imaging" while working on the "Babylon 5" series. - Joel Gafford

PHOTOSHOP SOUP - An image that is the result of using excessive filters in Photoshop. - rootdown- rootdown

PIXEL F****** - Over scrutinizing. As in "This would have been done a week ago, but my Art Director keeps pixel f****** it to death." - Unknown - dustinbrown

START TO CRATE - The length of time between the start of a game and when you encounter the first crate (or crate analogue). A smaller start-to-crate time usually being indicative of larger game design problems. - "Old Man Murray," a computer game commentary and reviews site. - rootdown

VEGETARIAN - People who denounce entire categories of games because of the sole presence of single elements. Often talk about how little they play certain types of games as a sort of passive aggressive nod to those who do, for some weird, sorta seems ego driven, reason. - ysalex - ysalex


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