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ShaderFX and alpha Mip Maps

polycounter lvl 11
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GlowingPotato polycounter lvl 11

After digging a little bit about Mip Maps and alphas, i found this.

Right now, if I load a dds texture (DXT5 compression) with alpha,and move away from the texture, it will disappear.

Inside the texture node sampler, i found the option to manually adjust the Mip Map levels. It works, but its not definitive solution, but a workaround.

Would be possible to implement this kind of technique using ShaderFX nodes ?


  • kodde
    Offline / Send Message
    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    This sounds interesting. I had a look at it as well and I'm stuck at the State Settings node's drop down list for blend modes. There's only "No Blending", "Pre-multiplied Alpha Blending", "Wireframe" and "Custom".

    I suppose you'd want a "Alpha Test" option there.

    I'm curious about the "Custom" option. Seems to imply that we could create our own blend state?
  • shaderfx
    Offline / Send Message
    shaderfx polycounter lvl 9
    Maya VP 2 tends to get unhappy with certain state changes so you can only set those couple options at the moment.
  • kodde
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    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    shaderfx> Does the custom option work? Does it allow us to write our own blend state? How? I don't mind breaking VP2.0 in the name of progress(hopefully) :)
  • shaderfx
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    shaderfx polycounter lvl 9
    I don't think it will work.
    The other state/blend options are hidden.

    You can try playing with them via MEL, but I believe that on the VP2 side when rendering they are ignored and will only end up in the HLSL/CG code.

    Mel to be run on the State Node:

    shaderfx -sfxnode "ShaderfxShader1" -listProperties [node_uniqueID]
  • kodde
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    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    Thank you Kees,

    I'll have a look at those hidden properties and how to work the shaderfx MEL command.
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