Hey there,
I've decided to create my own thread to gather and share substance stuff I've made/will make. I work at allegorithmic for quite a long time and have accumulated quite a lot of things, some of them ended up being in the Substance Designer library but some others are too specific / slow to be officially distributed.
It will include tips/tricks, R&D filters with complex FxMap, Substance materials..etc
This first post will be used as a table of contents.
Warning: This filter is extremely slow! It only works with the GPU substance engine (Direct3D 10 or OpenGL)
This filter project a texture from the 3 axis and blends the projections. Pretty useful to quickly project a map without worrying about UVs.
It requires a baked Position (All Axis) and World Space normal map. Ideally without overlapping. Make sure the position normalization is set to BSphere, otherwise you might get stretched projections on some axis.
package: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5ant2eaumtupr1l/triplanar.zip?dl=0
What other projects are you working on at the moment? Personally, my big requests would be an "X" toggle between black and white when masking in Substance Painter, and the ability to copy/paste content between channels.
For Painter, a tri planar projection is planned (that'll be a lot faster than this
Concerning your two requests, they have already been asked several times and will be addressed sooner or (not too) later
I can't promise the performances will be a lot better as this is the very first version of this node. Their is room for a lot of improvements in the following 5.x updates.
Full procedural* stone material based on single input pattern
(* except opus and polycount logo patterns)
package here: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=B12D494B8DD6F4AE!17823&authkey=!ACRMU-K3PI6LyL4&ithint=folder%2cpng
Thank you so much for sharing this. Will teach me a lot!
Thanks Nickolas.
That's one rocking graph (
I'm glad you enjoyed it
I added that just to get subtle variation in the albedo, there is not really any technical reason to do this (maybe there is but I don't know if this has been studied), I just found the material was slightly more pleasant to look at.