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Looking for portfolio feedback :D

polycounter lvl 12
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Mrfido polycounter lvl 12
Here is a link to my portfolio. https://www.artstation.com/artist/mrfido

I Would love some critiques from this amazing community, also what I should be focusing on more. I want to be a 3D environment artist or an prop artist. I have been out of school for a little bit now and have sent out my resume out to some people. I would like know what you think about my resume as well


Thanks for all the helpful people here.


  • CarlCraft
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    CarlCraft polycounter lvl 9
    Hey, nice portfolio! You got some nice pieces going on there.

    Enough praise.

    I don't really see the point in the 'views' and 'likes' bar. This is your portfolio, not an instagram post. I see the joy in tracking these things, but I'm not (and people who might hire you) are not interested. Keep them to yourself.

    The structure is kind of nice. Easy to read thumbnails and their respective sites covers pretty much everything (textures, final renders etc.). I just wish it was a bit more organized. Now it's currently a material, then a small scene, then a material, then a prop.. You see where I'm going? Maybe categorize them somehow.

    Also look at this thread regarding your pink tree scene (can't find links to the wiki cus they've changed it since).
  • Melazee
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    Melazee polycounter lvl 12
    callebo wrote: »
    I don't really see the point in the 'views' and 'likes' bar. This is your portfolio, not an instagram post. I see the joy in tracking these things, but I'm not (and people who might hire you) are not interested. Keep them to yourself.

    I haven't been on ArtStation too long, but isn't the likes/views bar there by default? Can you remove that?

    I personally think it would be better if you made use of the portfolio feature of Artstation rather than that page you linked (so link to this instead: https://mrfido.artstation.com/). It's not too bad if you can't make your own site. If not, sites like Weebly are a good way to make a site without much programming knowledge. And if you can do basic editing of CSS and HTML, then you can really customize the look of your site. You'll also be able to sort things into categories properly, because indeed currently (as callebo pointed out), everything is a bit of a jumble.

    Can't say much about the actual models though unfortunately as I'm not a prop or environment artist, but I hope I helped a little! :)
  • BagelHero
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    BagelHero interpolator
    Callebo, he can't control the view counter/like counter, etc, this is a Portfolio/Community site, not his own.

    https://mrfido.artstation.com/ -- Make sure this page is properly organized, personalised, labelled, and maybe has sub-pages. I have all my stuff labelled into 2D/3D/Newest so that I can make newest my landing page and 2D/3D as page links on the side, but each to their own. Just re-organizing the pieces works, too.

    As for the actual work, I quite like all the materials/tileable textures. They're clean and well done. Not digging the shrine as much-- the tree is pretty weak. Firstly, I'd look into something like this, if you haven't already:

    The modelling of the tree in general also isn't amazing, were you forcing yourself/required to work at a low polycount? Besides that, the texturing is a bit all over the place. Try to keep a consistent style in environments-- this has some hand-painted textures, some photosource some mixed and the tree has some really obvious tiling within its map-- it's big enough to not have to do that!

    The High Poly for the Rocks, Plants and Marker... things, they're pretty nice though.
    The model is 12344 Tris. I know way to much.

    NEVER say things like this when you're presenting your final work on a folio or other professional environment. People may not have been thinking that, so don't put it in their head. If it was for an FPS like Halo, that also isn't too crazy for a tricount. I can see where you could have optimised, but I've seen crazier recently. So don't tear yourself down.

    Your props are pretty nice, but something is kinda standing out these days, with all the kids and their fancy new tech-- do you know PBR? Since you still use "diffuse" and "spec", and not albedo or metalness from time to time, it's a little uncertain.

    Looking good though, just keep making stuff!
  • oskarkeo
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    oskarkeo polycounter lvl 10
    Take off the background image (the squares) of f your Resume, it looks a little gross, like an IT consultancy idea of 'cool design'. Functionally it's not adding anything to your CV, and gradients will look ugly when printed out. Also, if you're going for an interview someone in HR will grumble about having to do a colour printout.

    Consider putting a line between each job to make em pop out a bit more, hard to see the info with everything so crammed in.

    Throw the drop shadows in the bin. is ugly.

    Put your software experience further to the top, it's the most important aspect. What can the employer count on you to be able to do? "what, 3DS max. interview that guy".
    If they have to read the whole thing to find out that you use the same software as them they're likely to skip over you. Skills up front.

    Think about a short paragraph of explanation an 'objective' field talking about who you are where you've been and where you're heading. I can see you're a 3D generalist with some skills in assets creation, but perhaps you only did that because you wanted to be a level designer and needed assets to build your levels. be upfront about what you want to get out of working for X company. If your goals are in line with the company, then all the better. Will Dice be interested in the candidate that wants to model dragons, or will they hold off for someone who is a gun nut?

    Consider hyperlinks within each job linking to examples of your contribution to that project.

    People always bang on about keeping CVs / Resumes to 1 page only. It's complete rubbish. As long as the important stuff is covered quickly, clearly and upfront, you can carry on for twenty pages if you like. The person reviewing your CV will decide when they stop reading (normally as soon as they establish whether you can do what they need or not), so just make sure they have the important bit : "i'm a dedicated and experienced 3D asset maker who can model texture in any software you need" upfront and then put in anything relevant after that.
  • Mrfido
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    Mrfido polycounter lvl 12
    Thank you all for the feed back everyone. I will re work my textures for the cherry blossom scene. As well as fix that tree up. I will also look into some html and css

    I will fix them up ASAP. Also thanks for the feedback on my resume oskarkeo. That part has allway been really hard for me.
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