very sorry for the very late reply. I diden´t realize that someone had responded. The floor texture have been updates and random props have also been added. Do you (or anyone else) know why the lightsources from the sun makes my scene overexposed. I have set max light and min light to 1 but it diden´t work.
If you could figure out a way to break up that floor that'd be cool. Or maybe make the texture bigger. (I'm not sure if i'm using the correct words).
The colors also look super duper saturated, to the point of looking like burnt film.
Keep it up! I always admire environment work!
Yeah now that i look at it, i may have to edit the vertex painting.
I will also edit the colors to be more in tone with the rest of the enviroment.
Will update soon. Thanks alot for the feedback
The colors also look super duper saturated, to the point of looking like burnt film.
Keep it up! I always admire environment work!
I will also edit the colors to be more in tone with the rest of the enviroment.
Will update soon. Thanks alot for the feedback