Hey I'm in the process of making a map for CSGO and it's some what inspired by The Italian Job. I spent all last night trying to figure out a way to get a model of a Mini Cooper that I could put in the map and after spending hours trying to get 3ds max to work messing around with free files and downloading plugins, watching youtube tutorials, looking all over the web for answers I have not been successful. Lord only knows all the agony I have gone through trying to make a .mdl file, trying to reduce polygons for existing free models, and even trying to model one myself. I just need a simple Mini Coop S from around 2003, doesn't have to be exact, 2 door style and low poly count. Obviously I don't want it looking like trash but some balance between detail and what the source engine can handle. Also if it's not too much trouble 3 different colors and the trunks open. Essentially they will be sitting in one of the bomb sites like they are in the movie and it would be really awesome if they were in there even though the map isn't all that true to the movie. I know this is probably asking a lot especially doing it for free but if it comes out good enough and works in Hammer I may hook you up with something. This is an image from the movie to give you an idea. Hope to hear from someone really soon. Thanks! :poly121: