Hello everyone, long time lurker, first post.
I've been scratching my head for hours and installing every free image editing software I can find but so far have not been able to save/export an image with a custom alpha channel as I would do easily in photoshop.
Does anyone know a (preferably free) alternative way of making your own alpha channel? I would be happy with saving the alpha channel into it's own image and then using a software to combine/merge the rgb and the a.
Thanks in advance.

I have to confess I ran across it a few hours before posting here, but (obviously) wrongly dismissed it as "just a pointless transform-the-image-in-crazy-ways program" ugh. But it was exactly what I was looking for. I don't know why I made that assumption. I don't think I saw it on your website though, all I remember was the GIF with flashing colors R G B A and I was like "nah". :poly142:
Anyway thanks a LOT. Exactly what I needed.