This'll be a collaboration between me and Yandalf. We both adore/love cyberpunk settings and themes so we're going to be creating a hackers den.
We started off with a block out

and then we each tried an overpaint/sketch to orient ourselves to where we want to pull the scene.

Today I started with some of the modeling, making the bunk bed and a server tower that can be repeated a few times. Both are ready for texturing. We also arranged a small colour-coding rule so we can easily keep track of what still needs doing: pink models are done but still need UVs, blue models have the UVs added.
Small image of the progress!
I'm still playing around with the idea of what the chair should be like, but rest assured we'll be looking a lot at holodecks, plugchairs, and other cool stuff
A small addendum to the OP here: this place is loosely based on our own students' appartment in which we've lived for the last year. Since we're leaving for internships, we felt like giving the place a proper goodbye.
Our own room was half the size, without the shower and toilet in there, but since the guideline gives us a square we felt like upgrading it a little to make it a proper chummer's appartment.
Today I've mostly been making the exterior walls and one of the interior walls, spent most of my time greebling around. I'll probably add more to it tomorrow.
Meanwhile Tox has made the big window, a monitor, and some extra clutter.
Newest additions are screens, couch and bathroom stuff.