Hey guys and gals!
I'm modeling something new, to ..EXPAND MY HORIZONS!!..NS...NS...NS.....(Imagine it trailing off).
This is the first thing i'm modeling in 3ds Max, and I'm really enjoying it so far.
but I don't know what it is, could you guys tell me, so I could look up some more reference. haha.
The car on the bottom powers the mecha, like a hamster wheel.
Blockout. This is my first time in 3ds MAX I like it so far. DO you all have any tips Going forward on this thing?
also, use more segments. the periphery of the object is really rough.
Still learning 3ds max as I go along. ITs a neat little program. Although I feel I could do this in maya just as well. OH WELL. Learning another program could never hurt!
Guys, this is turning out to be really freakin fun.
I tried smoothing groups. I've never seen it before, and it looks like its a very useful function. ARe there times I should,should not , use smoothing groups?
Other than that looks good so far.
I knew something was bothering me when i looked at this, but i couldnt put a finger on it. I wasn sure where to go from here, Then a friend of mind who isent even an artist looked at it and within 10 seconds said.
"Where are the windows?"
I said "what?"
"This thing, it needs windows, its a jet right?"
ding ding ding. I was really stinking excited about this. I'm going to do that later, but i'm documenting it here because YEA! WINDOWS!
Hey ya'll I really like this so far. I think i'm done for now, So i can take these skills to something else. Otherwise. I think I learned quite a bit.
The most notable thing is how to use 3DS Max. It only took a week, but MAN is that program cool!
I think i'll do all my hardsurface modeling in that program.
Also, the outer rim of the plane is still pretty faceted at the top...maybe add a few more loops to smoothen that silhouette a little bit.
sokol i dont know WHAT I was thinking my man. I dont care IF my arm hurts! I'ma get this thing even MORE done.
Heres what i'm going to do, and I want to know if you think this process will work. I've never really tried it before.
I'm going to seperate each mesh thats been modeled, (not the duplicates). Then zero them out.
>Then I'm going to bring them into 3d coat and retopologize each one.
>Then I'm going to unwrap the uvs in UV Layout/Maya. And Place them as well
>Then I'm going to bake it in Xnormal. (I was reading EArthquakes thread "you're making me hard" about baking normals. And If i'm understnading it right, I've got to use and averaged projection mesh. And I do that by using a cage. When I get to that bridge I'll cross it, but its a good idea to make note of it here. )
> After THAT, i'm going to put an id map for my next step
>I'm going to bring it into DDO to put textures on it.
> I'm going to use NDO to add in any deatils It needs. Rivets, indentations etc etc.
> THen I'm going to render it in marmoset.
What do you think? I have a hard time retoplogize any hard surface thing so I know that's where my troubles going to start so I'll definitely be on the lookout for that.
I want to be able to present this proudly. I think I should have it done in the next 2-3 days. Sound doable?