I'm going to try to build something resemble closely to Mothership from Homeworld.
here's some sketches I've done to kick start this small project.

i have developed some concepts and started to list out the assets require for the scene.
here's some modelling done

modelling of the exterior is almost done.

there are not much progress today, started to model the interior.
I intend to keep interior as low poly as possible since it'll be bloom and overexposed with blue lights everywhere, homeworld fan boy will understand how it is.

I left out the docking platform and frigate docking bay at the moment, once I have modelled frigates and fighter, I'll have more accurate measurements to proceed with those.
multi dock platform
service docking platform
hi PEET what do you mean by rendering plan?
i did everything using max native UV tool, all by hands. and yes, im still alive @Drone2222 i wonder why too...
i wanted to do so because i still cant get optimal UV layout that i love from unwrella and flatiron, this is NOT recommended, its very time consuming and tiring LOL.
For your light map, do you create a second uv set ? I try in sketchfab to upload an object with two uvs set... it wasn't a succes... the only way I see, it is to use the same uv set for texture and lightmap. . i'm wrong ? It's possible to render a scene with two uv set ?
Good luck your start is very cool !
i'm following the tutorial here...
open Collada tool can be found here
That's a good news, thank for your share !
It would be awesome to see your WIPs embedded in 3D, instead of just screenshots O:)
Here a short video showing one of these programs in action. It's UV Layout tied into Max with a MaxScript. Has very good functionality, just not good UI, or the most perfect mathamatical packing algorithm. (But it still does great work anyway)
IPackThat is a software tool that unlike UV Layout, has better UI and final pack programming. However it does not have the 3D UV editing tool like UV Layout does. (Something that really comes in handy imo) Feel free to check it out ^^ cool work by the way! Homeworld is an excellent idea.
@putka, yes, padding is needed, the reason it looks so packed in my UV is because the UV is prepared for large atlases such as 2k to 4k, i still leave 2-4 px padding but it cant be seen with big textures like this. anyway, if the textures are happened to scale down, what i usually do is to manually touch up the UV just a little bit, or i would 'extrude' the edge pixels to hide the seam better.
thanks for the suggestion, this thing is not cheap =/ but definitely cool!
of course! I intend to do this!